Simple packer build for Ubuntu 18.04 to create a template to be used for setting up a local Kubernetes cluster
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Install packer -- This was done with version 1.62
- Install virtual box -- This was done with 6.1.12
- Clone this repo
Install prereqs on a MAC
brew install packer
Just clone the repo and run the following
packer build -var 'password=XXXXXXX' ubuntu.pkr.hcl
Changing the password for the password for the k8s user.
From here you can clone your VM using a linked clone to start creating a kubernetes cluster. I will work on some ansible scripts to do that
- Scott Watson - Initial work
- Google searches
- Stack Overflow
- For the GIT ReadMe template