You must be a superuser to build the package.
In, modify this variable to point to your hitachi terraform source code directory
You must use Golang version 1.20, and set GOPATH to your Golang v1.20 directory.
# export GOPATH=/usr/local/go
# ./build
The RPM package is in /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/HV_Storage_Terraform-02.0.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
You must be a superuser to install the rpm package.
Check what RPM version is installed
# /usr/bin/rpm -qa HV_Storage_Terraform
Uninstall the old version
# /usr/bin/rpm -e HV_Storage_Terraform
Install the new version
# /usr/bin/rpm -Uvh HV_Storage_Terraform-02.0.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
Check if the hitachi terraform plugin is installed. It must be linked to /opt/hitachi/terraform/terraform-provider-hitachi/bin/terraform-provider-hitachi
# ls -l /root/.terraform.d/plugins/localhost/hitachi-vantara/hitachi/2.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-hitachi
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 80 Aug 9 21:55 /root/.terraform.d/plugins/localhost/hitachi-vantara/hitachi/2.0/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-hitachi -> /opt/hitachi/terraform/terraform-provider-hitachi/bin/terraform-provider-hitachi
Navigate to /opt/hitachi/terraform/terraform-provider-hitachi/examples
# cd /opt/hitachi/terraform/terraform-provider-hitachi/examples
Go to any examples directory. Example:
# cd data-sources/hitachi_vsp_storage
If not the first time using the examples directory, do cleanup
# rm .terraform .terraform.lock.hcl terraform.tfstate
# rm -rf san_settings
Modify and with your storage information, then do:
# terraform init
# terraform apply
First, build and install the provider.
$ make all
Then, navigate to the examples
$ cd examples
Run the following command to initialize the workspace and apply the sample configuration.
$ terraform init && terraform apply