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Using the test suite

rpp0 edited this page Sep 8, 2017 · 5 revisions

The test suite can be used by developers to see the impact of changes to the code on the decoding accuracy. Any changes to the LoRa Receiver block must be tested before being pushed to Github. There are two scripts to facilitate this process:

  • This script will use python-loranode and GNU Radio to store the transmitted LoRa signals under various configurations to files inside the ./test-suites/ folder. These files comply to the The Signal Metadata Format Specification.

  • Passes the files in ./test-suites to the LoRa Receiver and evaluates whether the expected data matches the decoded data. Automatically generates reports that are placed in the docs/test-results folder on Github.

If you want to have access to the original test suite (~6 GB), please contact one of the developers of gr-lora.

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