This repo contains a files to provision CoreOS servers using Terraform, dnsmasq, Matchbox, Ignition. It uses Vagrant over VirtualBox for demoing purposes.
The following example will provision the three servers of an etcd cluster
This demo was part of a talk. Here are the slides
The provisioner server runs:
- dnsmasq: DHCP and DNS server. Configuration file won't use PXE-iPXE chainloading as we will use an iPXE boot loader
- Matchbox: iPXE, assets and ignition files server
In order to provision it we use a Vagrantfile. A post-installation script takes care of:
- Configuring NAT
- Configuring dnsmasq
- Configuring Matchbox
- Download Terraform and non-standard providers
It has two interfaces:
- A NAT interface that connects to the internet
- An internal interface where demo servers will run
In order to boot it, just type
vagrant up
Once booted, in order to configure Matchbox through Terraform:
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/terraform/environment
terraform init
terraform plan -out plan.out
terraform apply plan.out
Download the iPXE boot iso that will be used.
Create three Linux servers in VirtualBox:
- Type: Linux 2.6 or higher
- Network: Internal (attach it to the internal network created by the Vagrantfile)
- Mac addresses: Set them to be:
- IDE: Attach the
file that you downloaded before to the IDE optical drive
Once you've booted the three servers they should be reachable from the provisioner server via ssh
as public key file for user demo
has been copied to them
You can check that etcd cluster has been properly set using:
demo@master-2 ~ $ etcdctl cluster-health
member 2e1f832bcb427731 is healthy: got healthy result from http://master-2.infra.local:2379
member 369cd276628e761c is healthy: got healthy result from http://master-3.infra.local:2379
member a4f498f36b5331a7 is healthy: got healthy result from http://master-1.infra.local:2379
cluster is healthy
Matchbox and Ignitions are Terraform logical providers. They don't create the resources but provide configuration for it. Matchbox provider uses the gRPC endpoint to push the files needed to the server.
Main terraform files are located in environment directory. They describe the configuration of the three servers using the server/master module. There are two main files there:
- Matchbox configuration that defines how the group and profile file are built.
- Ignition configuration that defines how the ignition JSON file is built. It uses the raw_ignition property to pass a rendered JSON to matchbox instead of a Container Linux Config that would get transpiled to JSON by Matchbox server. In order to make a full example with reusable components, Ignition config is provided as the output of different ignition modules corresponding to the different systemd, netword, etc units