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If-Else Expressions:
Classic If-elseif-else force programmer into mutating state. Only if Groovy 'ifs' returned values like in SCALA or Haskell, life would be so much better! Fpiglet implements if-else DSL using composition of curried functions. (Curried Functions simplify DSL-like coding quite a bit). Here is an example with if-else chain:
import static fpig.expressions.IfElseSyntax.*
def score = 75.2
def grade = _if_{ score > 89 } >> _then_ {'A'} >>
_elseif_{ score > 79 } >> _then_ {'B'} >>
_elseif_{ score > 69 } >> _then_ {'C'} >>
_else_{ 'F' }
assert grade == 'C'
Or to get more FUNctional:
//shows lazy if statement chain, all evaluation is deferred to the time number is passed to grade function
def grade = _ifun_{ it > 89 } >> _then_ {'A'} >>
_elseif_{ it > 79 } >> _then_ {'B'} >>
_elseif_{ it > 69 } >> _then_ {'C'} >>
_else_ { 'F' }
assert grade(75.2) == 'C'
assert grade(85.2) == 'B'
assert grade(90) == 'A'
Note: chaining in the reverse direction using << works with Fpiglet if-else chains too. This is maybe more explicit if you think of function composition, but else<<then<<elseif<<then<<if
is a bit hard to read.
Localized Scope Expressions:
Next example shows Fpiglet DSL for coding with a very localized scope (yes implemented with curried function composition):
import static fpig.expressions.EvalWhereSyntax.*
def bmiCalculator = {massLb, heightIn -> (massLb / (heightIn * heightIn)) * 703}
def littleGuyBmi = eval { bmi(littleguy) } <<
where {
bmi = {person -> bmiCalculator(person.wLb, person.hIn)}
littleguy = [name:'littleguy', wLb: 150, hIn:5*12]
Monadic Comprehensions:
Please see MonadicComprehensions.