greps is a super simple ipython magic that allow you to use grep
over IPython output.
pip install greps
manually loading:
# Inside an IPython shell
%load_ext greps
Automatic loading:
echo "c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ['greps']" > ~/.ipython/profile_default/
On previous output:
In [1]: {i:i for i in range(3)}
{0: 0,
1: 1,
2: 2,
In [2]: %greps 1
Out[2]: ' 1: 1,\n'
On specific output line:
In [1]: 1
Out[1]: 1
In [2]: 2
Out[2]: 2
In [3]: 3
Out[3]: 3
In [4]: 4
Out[4]: 4
In [5]: %greps -l 2 2
Out[5]: '2\n'