Releases: logicallysynced/Chromatics
Please uninstall Chromatics 2 before installing Chromatics 3, or extract Chromatics 3 to a new location.
While Chromatics 3 is in beta, only the portable version will be available for download
Please find the new Chromatics 3 documentation here.
.NET 8 Desktop Runtime
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2022
- Updated RGB.NET to latest major version (3.0).
- Updated Philips HUE dependencies to latest version.
Known Bugs
Theses are bugs that I have already identified and don't need to be reported on.
- If you get an error message regarding terriTypes.json - please re-install from github.
- Job gauges have not been updated for 7.1
- Layer help text doesn't always scale to the rich text box correctly.
- Interface can lag when dragging and resizing the window on high resolution monitors with non-standard DPI's.
- When changing key mappings on a layer, sometimes you need to disable and re-enable the layer or preview the layer before the lighting will apply.
- When de-selecting keys from a layer, they appear gray instead of taking the colour of the base layer. Previewing the layers should fix this.
- Only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to map keys accordingly.
- Azerty & Qwertz layouts not working correctly.
Please uninstall Chromatics 2 before installing Chromatics 3, or extract Chromatics 3 to a new location.
While Chromatics 3 is in beta, only the portable version will be available for download
Please find the new Chromatics 3 documentation here.
NEW!! .NET 8 Desktop Runtime
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2022
- Added support for Dawntrail 7.1
- Added raid effects for Cloud of Darkness Chaotic Raid.
- Updated RGB.NET to latest version.
Known Bugs
Theses are bugs that I have already identified and don't need to be reported on.
- If you get an error message regarding terriTypes.json - please re-install from github.
- Job gauges have not been updated for 7.1
- Chromatics may take up to 30 seconds to fully shut down and restore lighting to defaults upon closing or updating.
- Layer help text doesn't always scale to the rich text box correctly.
- Interface can lag when dragging and resizing the window on high resolution monitors with non-standard DPI's.
- When changing key mappings on a layer, sometimes you need to disable and re-enable the layer or preview the layer before the lighting will apply.
- When de-selecting keys from a layer, they appear gray instead of taking the colour of the base layer. Previewing the layers should fix this.
- Only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to map keys accordingly.
- Azerty & Qwertz layouts not working correctly.
Please uninstall Chromatics 2 before installing Chromatics 3, or extract Chromatics 3 to a new location.
While Chromatics 3 is in beta, only the portable version will be available for download
Please find the new Chromatics 3 documentation here.
NEW!! .NET 8 Desktop Runtime
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2022
Important Notes - !!READ IF UPDATING!!
This release overhauls how mappings are handled, and as such is not compatible with your previous layouts! The app should migrate them automatically, but please backup your Chromatics directory before updating or install to a new folder if you don't wish to loose your settings.
This is a BETA release, so things might not work as expected/designed.
Upon updating to this version, migration of your old layers will occur - if the RGB does not display correctly after updating, please restart Chromatics.
- Fixed a memory leak that was caused by logging out of FFXIV and back in while Chromatics is still running.
- Updated RGB.NET to latest developer build.
- Some fixes to native Philips HUE support (Beta).
- Internal optimizations.
Known Bugs
Theses are bugs that I have already identified and don't need to be reported on.
- Upon updating to this version, migration of your old layers will occur - if the RGB does not display correctly after updating, please restart Chromatics.
- If you get an error message regarding terriTypes.json - please re-install from github.
- Chromatics may take up to 30 seconds to fully shut down and restore lighting to defaults upon closing or updating.
- Layer help text doesn't always scale to the rich text box correctly.
- Interface can lag when dragging and resizing the window on high resolution monitors with non-standard DPI's.
- When changing key mappings on a layer, sometimes you need to disable and re-enable the layer or preview the layer before the lighting will apply.
- When de-selecting keys from a layer, they appear gray instead of taking the colour of the base layer. Previewing the layers should fix this.
- Only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to map keys accordingly.
- Azerty & Qwertz layouts not working correctly.
Please uninstall Chromatics 2 before installing Chromatics 3, or extract Chromatics 3 to a new location.
While Chromatics 3 is in beta, only the portable version will be available for download
Please find the new Chromatics 3 documentation here.
NEW!! .NET 8 Desktop Runtime
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2022
Important Notes - !!READ IF UPDATING!!
This release overhauls how mappings are handled, and as such is not compatible with your previous layouts! The app should migrate them automatically, but please backup your Chromatics directory before updating or install to a new folder if you don't wish to loose your settings.
This is a BETA release, so things might not work as expected/designed.
Upon updating to this version, migration of your old layers will occur - if the RGB does not display correctly after updating, please restart Chromatics.
- [] Significant bug fix to layer manager and raid zone effects.
- [] Significant bug fix to layer manager, enabling per device mappings to work again.
- [] Bug fixes to raid effects, window minimisation and Hue provider.
- [] Added Philips Hue device provider.
- [] Bug fixes to 3.1.1 release.
- Major overhaul to layer management. Instead of a single "device type" in the drop down, as has been the case so far in Chromatics 3.0, you now assign layers per connected device. Please see important notes above!
- Added migration functions to bring version 1 layers (pre-3.1.0) to version 2 layers (>=3.1.0).
- Preview button now visualises the RGB of the device on the interface.
- Added interface dark mode. Defaults to system settings, can be changed in Chromatics settings.
- Translated Chromatics into Japanese, Korean, Chinese, French, German and Spanish. Choose your desired language in Chromatics settings.
- Console entries are now timestamped for better logging.
- Fixes to OpenRGB integration so that non supported device types (e.g. Smart bulbs) are now supported. Please submit your findings to Discord!
- Fixes to reactive weather - will now reflect special "story" weather.
- Fixes to raid zone effects. Will only trigger within an instance and will stop once instance is cleared.
- Fixed experience tracker.
- Updated RGB.NET to latest version.
Known Bugs
Theses are bugs that I have already identified and don't need to be reported on.
- Upon updating to this version, migration of your old layers will occur - if the RGB does not display correctly after updating, please restart Chromatics.
- If you get an error message regarding terriTypes.json - please re-install from github.
- Chromatics may take up to 30 seconds to fully shut down and restore lighting to defaults upon closing or updating.
- Layer help text doesn't always scale to the rich text box correctly.
- Interface can lag when dragging and resizing the window on high resolution monitors with non-standard DPI's.
- When changing key mappings on a layer, sometimes you need to disable and re-enable the layer or preview the layer before the lighting will apply.
- When de-selecting keys from a layer, they appear gray instead of taking the colour of the base layer. Previewing the layers should fix this.
- Only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to map keys accordingly.
- Azerty & Qwertz layouts not working correctly.
Please uninstall Chromatics 2 before installing Chromatics 3, or extract Chromatics 3 to a new location.
While Chromatics 3 is in beta, only the portable version will be available for download
Please find the new Chromatics 3 documentation here.
NEW!! .NET 8 Desktop Runtime
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2022
Important Notes
This release (3.0.8) changes the base .NET version from .NET 7 to .NET 8. You must have this installed before you update or run Chromatics. Usually it is installed with Windows 10/11, but if you're having issues, please download the latest runtime here:
- Added Raid Zone Effects. Uses reactive weather layers to show raid zone animations. Only implemented for Dawntrail raids.
- Adjusted cutscene animation so it doesn't trigger in instances.
Known Bugs
Theses are bugs that I have already identified and don't need to be reported on.
- Important: Chromatics may take up to 30 seconds to fully shut down and restore lighting to defaults upon closing or updating.
- Previewing layers on a device excessively can cause the lighting to flicker.
- Layer help text doesn't always scale to the rich text box correctly.
- Interface can lag when dragging and resizing the window on high resolution monitors with non-standard DPI's.
- When changing key mappings on a layer, sometimes you need to disable and re-enable the layer or preview the layer before the lighting will apply.
- When de-selecting keys from a layer, they appear gray instead of taking the colour of the base layer. Previewing the layers should fix this.
- Only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to map keys accordingly.
- Azerty & Qwertz layouts not working correctly.
- Lighting may flicker at times.
Please uninstall Chromatics 2 before installing Chromatics 3, or extract Chromatics 3 to a new location.
While Chromatics 3 is in beta, only the portable version will be available for download
Please find the new Chromatics 3 documentation here.
NEW!! .NET 8 Desktop Runtime
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2022
Important Notes
This release (3.0.8) changes the base .NET version from .NET 7 to .NET 8. You must have this installed before you update or run Chromatics. Usually it is installed with Windows 10/11, but if you're having issues, please download the latest runtime here:
- Fixed Reactive weather for Dawntrail
- Fixed Gold Saucer Vegas mode
- Fixed bug which caused error when minimising Chromatics to system tray
Known Bugs
Theses are bugs that I have already identified and don't need to be reported on.
- Important: Chromatics may take up to 30 seconds to fully shut down and restore lighting to defaults upon closing or updating.
- Previewing layers on a device excessively can cause the lighting to flicker.
- Layer help text doesn't always scale to the rich text box correctly.
- Interface can lag when dragging and resizing the window on high resolution monitors with non-standard DPI's.
- When changing key mappings on a layer, sometimes you need to disable and re-enable the layer or preview the layer before the lighting will apply.
- When de-selecting keys from a layer, they appear gray instead of taking the colour of the base layer. Previewing the layers should fix this.
- Only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to map keys accordingly.
- Azerty & Qwertz layouts not working correctly.
- Lighting may flicker at times.
Please uninstall Chromatics 2 before installing Chromatics 3, or extract Chromatics 3 to a new location.
While Chromatics 3 is in beta, only the portable version will be available for download
Please find the new Chromatics 3 documentation here.
NEW!! .NET 8 Desktop Runtime
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2022
Important Notes
This release (3.0.8) changes the base .NET version from .NET 7 to .NET 8. You must have this installed before you update or run Chromatics. Usually it is installed with Windows 10/11, but if you're having issues, please download the latest runtime here:
- Initial support for 7.0 dawntrail
- Added VPR & PCT job gauges
- Added new dawntrail menu cutscene animation (will be reset to this on first launch)
- Updated RGB.NET to latest version
- Fixed bug which caused Corsair SDK to look for SDK DLL's in the wrong location.
- Updated .NET version to .NET 8
- Fixed bug which reference wrong Sharlayan-Resources repo
Known Bugs
Theses are bugs that I have already identified and don't need to be reported on.
- Important: Chromatics may take up to 30 seconds to fully shut down and restore lighting to defaults upon closing or updating.
- Previewing layers on a device excessively can cause the lighting to flicker.
- Layer help text doesn't always scale to the rich text box correctly.
- Interface can lag when dragging and resizing the window on high resolution monitors with non-standard DPI's.
- When changing key mappings on a layer, sometimes you need to disable and re-enable the layer or preview the layer before the lighting will apply.
- When de-selecting keys from a layer, they appear gray instead of taking the colour of the base layer. Previewing the layers should fix this.
- Only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to map keys accordingly.
- Azerty & Qwertz layouts not working correctly.
- Lighting may flicker at times.
Chromatics 3.0.7
Please uninstall Chromatics 2 before installing Chromatics 3, or extract Chromatics 3 to a new location.
While Chromatics 3 is in beta, only the portable version will be available for download
Please find the new Chromatics 3 documentation here.
.NET 6 Desktop Runtime
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2022
Important Notes
This is a pre-release version of Chromatics 3.0, as such it is expected that there will be bugs, possibly major bugs which can cause crashes or other stability. While I've done my best to test all the features extensively for stability, every PC is different and I can't possibly account for every variation - that's why we do these Beta releases! If you do come across issues, please let me know by posting in this channel.
Chromatics 3.x is a complete rebuild of Chromatics from the ground up and should be considerably more CPU & memory efficient than 2.x. However please keep an eye on performance and report any issues you find, especially when running for a long time.
- Fixed OpenRGB support (make sure SDK Server is running before starting Chromatics).
- Updated RGB.NET device libraries
- Updated other dependency libraries
- No support yet for Dawntrail. This will likely come weeks after official launch.
Known Bugs
Theses are bugs that I have already identified and don't need to be reported on.
- Important: Chromatics may take up to 30 seconds to fully shut down and restore lighting to defaults upon closing or updating.
- Previewing layers on a device excessively can cause the lighting to flicker.
- Layer help text doesn't always scale to the rich text box correctly.
- Interface can lag when dragging and resizing the window on high resolution monitors with non-standard DPI's.
- When changing key mappings on a layer, sometimes you need to disable and re-enable the layer or preview the layer before the lighting will apply.
- When de-selecting keys from a layer, they appear gray instead of taking the colour of the base layer. Previewing the layers should fix this.
- Only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to map keys accordingly.
- Azerty & Qwertz layouts not working correctly.
- Lighting may flicker at times.
Chromatics 3.0.6
Please uninstall Chromatics 2 before installing Chromatics 3, or extract Chromatics 3 to a new location.
While Chromatics 3 is in beta, only the portable version will be available for download
Please find the new Chromatics 3 documentation here.
.NET 6 Desktop Runtime
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2022
Important Notes
This is a pre-release version of Chromatics 3.0, as such it is expected that there will be bugs, possibly major bugs which can cause crashes or other stability. While I've done my best to test all the features extensively for stability, every PC is different and I can't possibly account for every variation - that's why we do these Beta releases! If you do come across issues, please let me know by posting in this channel.
Chromatics 3.x is a complete rebuild of Chromatics from the ground up and should be considerably more CPU & memory efficient than 2.x. However please keep an eye on performance and report any issues you find, especially when running for a long time.
- Updated RGB.NET device libraries
Known Bugs
Theses are bugs that I have already identified and don't need to be reported on.
- Important: Chromatics may take up to 30 seconds to fully shut down and restore lighting to defaults upon closing or updating.
- Previewing layers on a device excessively can cause the lighting to flicker.
- Layer help text doesn't always scale to the rich text box correctly.
- Interface can lag when dragging and resizing the window on high resolution monitors with non-standard DPI's.
- When changing key mappings on a layer, sometimes you need to disable and re-enable the layer or preview the layer before the lighting will apply.
- When de-selecting keys from a layer, they appear gray instead of taking the colour of the base layer. Previewing the layers should fix this.
- Only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to map keys accordingly.
- Azerty & Qwertz layouts not working correctly.
- Lighting may flicker at times.
Chromatics 3.0.5
Please uninstall Chromatics 2 before installing Chromatics 3, or extract Chromatics 3 to a new location.
While Chromatics 3 is in beta, only the portable version will be available for download
Please find the new Chromatics 3 documentation here.
.NET 6 Desktop Runtime
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2022
Important Notes
This is a pre-release version of Chromatics 3.0, as such it is expected that there will be bugs, possibly major bugs which can cause crashes or other stability. While I've done my best to test all the features extensively for stability, every PC is different and I can't possibly account for every variation - that's why we do these Beta releases! If you do come across issues, please let me know by posting in this channel.
Chromatics 3.x is a complete rebuild of Chromatics from the ground up and should be considerably more CPU & memory efficient than 2.x. However please keep an eye on performance and report any issues you find, especially when running for a long time.
- Added support for OpenRGB devices.
- Added a first run wizard to select device providers (If you are updating from a previous version, you will be prompted with this).
- Device providers now load and unload dynamically (no need to restart app anymore).
- Improved device error reporting and handling.
- Resolved a number of startup crashes.
- Fixed an issue where a required DLL for Wooting devices was missing from the Chromatics directory.
- Some under the hood changes in preparation for an upcoming layer engine overhaul.
Known Bugs
Theses are bugs that I have already identified and don't need to be reported on.
- Important: Chromatics may take up to 30 seconds to fully shut down and restore lighting to defaults upon closing or updating.
- Previewing layers on a device excessively can cause the lighting to flicker.
- Layer help text doesn't always scale to the rich text box correctly.
- Interface can lag when dragging and resizing the window on high resolution monitors with non-standard DPI's.
- When changing key mappings on a layer, sometimes you need to disable and re-enable the layer or preview the layer before the lighting will apply.
- When de-selecting keys from a layer, they appear gray instead of taking the colour of the base layer. Previewing the layers should fix this.
- Only one keyboard layout en-us is available on the mapping tab. This is a QWERTY keyboard so if you use a different layout, such as AZERTY you will need to map keys accordingly.
- Azerty & Qwertz layouts not working correctly.
- Lighting may flicker at times.