Releases: logicallysynced/Chromatics
Chromatics 2.3.5 Beta Release
For more information, please visit the new Chromatics website.
Please note that Chromatics 2 is still in beta and as such, some functions and/or devices may operate in an unstable matter. If you come across any bugs, please report them here if possible.
- As of 2.2.5 we are discontinuing support for DX9/x86. Please use DX11 instead.
- Fixed and tested Coolermaster RGB keyboard devices.
- Resolved issue with Duty Finder bell.
- Fixed bug which prevented the Chromatics window from appearing after being hidden in the system tray.
- Minor bug fixes & optimizations.
Known Issues
- Some features may not work on initial 4.2 support. Please report these if found.
- Logitech ARX support hasn't been fully restored for Stormblood (4.0).
- An issue in where Logitech ARX crashes LGS.
Chromatics 2.3.4 Beta Release
Chromatics 2.3.4 Beta Release
For more information, please visit the new Chromatics website.
Please note that Chromatics 2 is still in beta and as such, some functions and/or devices may operate in an unstable matter. If you come across any bugs, please report them here if possible.
- As of 2.2.5 we are discontinuing support for DX9/x86. Please use DX11 instead.
- Added Reactive Weather. When enabled changes the base & highlight colors of the keyboard according to the current weather in the zone.
- Changed the way localization of keyboard keys is handled.
- Added selector to change mode for the lightbar on Corsair keyboard devices.
- Minor bug fixes & optimizations.
Known Issues
- Some features may not work on initial 4.2 support. Please report these if found.
- Duty Finder Bell currently not working.
- Coolermaster device support is currently untested and hence in an Alpha state.
- Logitech ARX support hasn't been fully restored for Stormblood (4.0).
- An issue in where Logitech ARX crashes LGS.
Chromatics 2.3.3 Beta Release
Chromatics 2.3.3 Beta Release
For more information, please visit the new Chromatics website.
Please note that Chromatics 2 is still in beta and as such, some functions and/or devices may operate in an unstable matter. If you come across any bugs, please report them here if possible.
- As of 2.2.5 we are discontinuing support for DX9/x86. Please use DX11 instead.
- Added support for Corsair RGB Headset Stand. Uses mousepad mapping currently.
- Changed RGB devices to now use the base color for initialisation instead of the previous static blue.
- Bug fixes.
Known Issues
- Some features may not work on initial 4.2 support. Please report these if found.
- Duty Finder Bell currently not working.
- Coolermaster device support is currently untested and hence in an Alpha state.
- Logitech ARX support hasn't been fully restored for Stormblood (4.0).
- An issue in where Logitech ARX crashes LGS.
Chromatics 2.3.2 Beta Release
Chromatics 2.3.2 Beta Release
For more information, please visit the new Chromatics website.
Please note that Chromatics 2 is still in beta and as such, some functions and/or devices may operate in an unstable matter. If you come across any bugs, please report them here if possible.
- As of 2.2.5 we are discontinuing support for DX9/x86. Please use DX11 instead.
- FFXIV 4.2 support.
Known Issues
- Some features may not work on initial 4.2 support. Please report these if found.
- Duty Finder Bell currently not working.
- Coolermaster device support is currently untested and hence in an Alpha state.
- Logitech ARX support hasn't been fully restored for Stormblood (4.0).
- An issue in where Logitech ARX crashes LGS.
Chromatics 2.3.1 Beta Release
Chromatics 2.3.1 Beta Release
For more information, please visit the new Chromatics website.
Please note that Chromatics 2 is still in beta and as such, some functions and/or devices may operate in an unstable matter. If you come across any bugs, please report them here if possible.
- As of 2.2.5 we are discontinuing support for DX9/x86. Please use DX11 instead.
- FFXIV 4.15 support.
- Added game language selector (not fully implemented)
- Added cache controls.
Known Issues
- Duty Finder Bell currently not working.
- Coolermaster device support is currently untested and hence in an Alpha state.
- Logitech ARX support hasn't been fully restored for Stormblood (4.0).
- An issue in where Logitech ARX crashes LGS.
Chromatics 2.3.0 Beta Release
Chromatics 2.3.0 Beta Release
For more information, please visit the new Chromatics website.
Please note that Chromatics 2 is still in beta and as such, some functions and/or devices may operate in an unstable matter. If you come across any bugs, please report them here if possible.
- As of 2.2.5 we are discontinuing support for DX9/x86. Please use DX11 instead.
- FFXIV 4.1x support.
- Added crafting class job gauges.
- Added prelim support for new LIFX devices.
- Added local cache controls to the GUI.
- Minor bug fixes.
Known Issues
- Duty Finder Bell currently not working.
- Coolermaster device support is currently untested and hence in an Alpha state.
- Logitech ARX support hasn't been fully restored for Stormblood (4.0).
- An issue in where Logitech ARX crashes LGS.
Chromatics 2.2.9 Beta Release
Chromatics 2.2.9 Beta Release
For more information, please visit the new Chromatics website.
Please note that Chromatics 2 is still in beta and as such, some functions and/or devices may operate in an unstable matter. If you come across any bugs, please report them here if possible.
- There is an issue in where the updater sometimes does not detect that Chromatics is closed. Please force quit Chromatics from the task manager if this occurs.
- As of 2.2.5 we are discontinuing support for DX9/x86. Please use DX11 instead.
- Added MCH, BLM, NIN, DRK, WHM, PLD & SAM job gauges.
- Added ability to set colour mappings for job gauges.
- Added Logitech LCD support for monochrome and colour screens (alpha release).
- Added ability to disable desktop notifications.
- Added ability to toggle HP/MP/TP display on keyboards.
- Added Corsair lightbar support.
- Razer device performance improvements.
- Resolved an issue which prevented device manager settings to not work correctly.
- Resolved an issue which prevented Corsair devices from working without specific settings in CUE2.
- Resolved an issue which caused errors to appear on single-zone RGB devices.
Known Issues
- An issue in where the updater sometimes does not detect that Chromatics is closed. Please force quit Chromatics from the task manager if this occurs.
- Coolermaster device support is currently untested and hence in an Alpha state.
- Logitech ARX support hasn't been fully restored for Stormblood (4.0).
- An issue in where Logitech ARX crashes LGS.
Chromatics 2.2.8 Beta Release
Chromatics 2.2.8 Beta Release
For more information, please visit the new Chromatics website.
Please note that Chromatics 2 is still in beta and as such, some functions and/or devices may operate in an unstable matter. If you come across any bugs, please report them here if possible.
- As of 2.2.5 we are discontinuing support for DX9/x86. Please use DX11 instead.
- Redesigned Device Manager tab with new mapping controls (more options to hopefully be added in the future).
- Added support for Razer Chroma Link and Razer HDK devices.
- Added support shortcut buttons to the main Chromatics window (documentation coming soon).
- Resolved an issue which caused Chromatics to crash when exiting the game.
- Resolved an issue which resulted in poor performance in certain circumstances.
- Resolved an issue which prevented Duty Finder Bell from working.
- Misc bug fixes and optimisations.
Known Issues
- An issue in where the updater sometimes does not detect that Chromatics is closed. Please force quit Chromatics from the task manager if this occurs.
- Coolermaster device support is currently untested and hence in an Alpha state.
- An issue in where Logitech devices sometimes may not paint the keyboard on startup, resolves after casting something.
- An issue in where disabling Logitech devices in the Devices tab will sometimes not disable the device.
- Logitech ARX support hasn't been fully restored for Stormblood (4.0).
- An issue in where Logitech ARX crashes LGS.
Chromatics 2.2.7 Beta Release
Chromatics 2.2.7 Beta Release
For more information, please visit the new Chromatics website.
Please note that Chromatics 2 is still in beta and as such, some functions and/or devices may operate in an unstable matter. If you come across any bugs, please report them here if possible.
- As of 2.2.5 we are discontinuing support for DX9/x86. Please use DX11 instead.
- Added Duty Finder bell effect - get notified on your keyboard/mouse/smartbulb when Duty Finder finally pops.
- Added preliminary Coolermaster keyboard & mouse support (Untested).
- Added new checkbox to Settings tab which allows you to disable impact/damage taken effects.
- Resolved an issue in where Chromatics would occasionally report a "Start may not be called on a task that has completed." error and lighting effects would stop.
- Resolved an issue in where Keyboard colors would not update live upon changing a color palette.
- Resolved an issue in where Chromatics would occasionally report a "null reference error" and lighting effects would stop when using keybind/hotbar effects.
- Moderate code optimisations to effects library.
- Minor bug fixes.
Known Issues
- Coolermaster device support is currently untested and hence in an Alpha state.
- An issue in where Logitech devices sometimes may not paint the keyboard on startup, resolves after casting something.
- An issue in where disabling Logitech devices in the Devices tab will sometimes not disable the device.
- Logitech ARX support hasn't been fully restored for Stormblood (4.0).
- An issue in where Logitech ARX crashes LGS.
Chromatics 2.2.6 Beta Release
Chromatics 2.2.6 Beta Release
For more information, please visit the new Chromatics website.
Please note that Chromatics 2 is still in beta and as such, some functions and/or devices may operate in an unstable matter. If you come across any bugs, please report them here if possible.
- As of 2.2.5 we are discontinuing support for DX9/x86. Please use DX11 instead.
- Added keybind/hotbar support. Displays per-keybind lighting feedback on each of your keybinds to show when your actions are ready to use or in combo/proc.
- Added effect toggles to the settings tab so you can now control what effects display on your keyboard.
- Moved cast animation effect to Function keys instead of number keys to allow for keybind/hotbar support.
- Fixed enmity information display.
- Fixed some incorrect spelling in the interface.
- Updated the updater executable to 2.1.0.
- Minor LIFX device optimisations.
- Minor bug fixes.
Known Issues
- An issue in where Logitech devices sometimes may not paint the keyboard on startup, resolves after casting something.
- An issue in where disabling Logitech devices in the Devices tab will sometimes not disable the device.
- Logitech ARX support hasn't been fully restored for Stormblood (4.0).
- An issue in where Logitech ARX crashes LGS.