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List of tokens
Robin Dupret edited this page Jan 31, 2017
4 revisions
The HTML which is generated by Rouge is based on a list of token. Each piece of code is associated to a token. Here the list of tokens that Rouge supports. This list is based on list of builitin tokens of Pygments :
Note that in lexers you will access these tokens as constants, as in Keyword::Constant
, and you may use the special aliases Str
for Literal::String
and Num
for Literal::Number
Token name | Token shortname | Description |
Text | Any type of text data | |
Text.Whitespace | w | Specially highlighted whitespace |
Error | err | Lexer errors |
Other | x | Token for data not matched by a parser (e.g. HTML markup in PHP code) |
Keyword | k | Any keyword |
Keyword.Constant | kc | Keywords that are constants |
Keyword.Declaration | kd | Keywords used for variable declaration (e.g. var in javascript) |
Keyword.Namespace | kn | Keywords used for namespace declarations |
Keyword.Pseudo | kp | Keywords that aren't really keywords |
Keyword.Reserved | kr | Keywords which are reserved (such as end in Ruby) |
Keyword.Type | kt | Keywords wich refer to a type id (such as int in C) |
Name | n | Variable/function names |
Name.Attribute | na | Attributes (in HTML for instance) |
Name.Builtin | nb | Builtin names which are available in the global namespace |
Name.Builtin.Pseudo | bp | Builtin names that are implicit (such as self in Ruby) |
Name.Class | nc | For class declaration |
Name.Constant | no | For constants |
Name.Decorator | nd | For decorators in languages such as Python or Java |
Name.Entity | ni | Token for entitites such as in HTML |
Name.Exception | ne | Exceptions and errors (e.g. ArgumentError in Ruby) |
Name.Function | nf | Function names |
Name.Property | py | Token for properties |
Name.Label | nl | For label names |
Name.Namespace | nn | Token for namespaces |
Name.Other | nx | For other names |
Name.Tag | nt | Tag mainly for markup such as XML or HTML |
Name.Variable | nv | Token for variables |
Name.Variable.Class | vc | Token for class variables (e.g. @@var in Ruby) |
Name.Variable.Global | vg | For global variables (such as $LOAD_PATH in Ruby) |
Name.Variable.Instance | vi | Token for instance variables (such as @var in Ruby) |
Literal | l | Any literal (if not further defined) |
Literal.Date | ld | Date literals |
Literal.String | s | String literals |
Literal.String.Backtick | sb | String enclosed in backticks |
Literal.String.Char | sc | Token type for single characters |
Literal.String.Doc | sd | Documentation strings (such as in Python) |
Literal.String.Double | s2 | Double quoted strings |
Literal.String.Escape | se | Escaped sequences in strings |
Literal.String.Heredoc | sh | For "heredoc" strings (e.g. in Ruby) |
Literal.String.Interpol | si | For interpoled part in strings (e.g. in Ruby) |
Literal.String.Other | sx | Token type for any other strings (for example %q{foo} string constructs in Ruby) |
Literal.String.Regex | sr | Regular expressions literals |
Literal.String.Single | s1 | Single quoted strings |
Literal.String.Symbol | ss | Symbols (such as :foo in Ruby) |
Literal.Number | m | Any number literal (if not further defined) |
Literal.Number.Float | mf | Float numbers |
Literal.Number.Hex | mh | Hexadecimal numbers |
Literal.Number.Integer | mi | Integer literals |
Literal.Number.Integer.Long | il | Long interger literals |
Literal.Number.Oct | mo | Octal literals |
Literal.Number.Hex | mx | Hexadecimal literals |
Literal.Number.Bin | mb | Binary literals |
Operator | o | Operators (commonly + , - , / , * ) |
Operator.Word | ow | Word operators (e.g. and ) |
Punctuation | p | Punctuation which is not an operator |
Comment | c | Single ligne comments |
Comment.Multiline | cm | Mutliline comments |
Comment.Preproc | cp | Preprocessor comments such as <% %> in ERb |
Comment.Single | c1 | Comments that end at the end of the line |
Comment.Special | cs | Special data in comments such as @license in Javadoc |
Generic | g | Unstyled token |
Generic.Deleted | gd | Token value as deleted |
Generic.Emph | ge | Token value as emphasized |
Generic.Error | gr | Token value as an error message |
Generic.Heading | gh | Token value as a headline |
Generic.Inserted | gi | Token value as inserted |
Generic.Output | go | Marked as a program output |
Generic.Prompt | gp | Marked as a command prompt |
Generic.Strong | gs | Mark the token value as bold (for rst lexer) |
Generic.Subheading | gu | Marked as a subheadline |
Generic.Traceback | gt | Mark the token as a part of an error traceback |
Generic.Lineno | gl | Line numbers |