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FEFU MMORPG Protocol — FEMP/0.4


Specification of client-server communication for FEFU MMORPG training project.

Status of This Memo

This document is a product of collaborative design by students of group B8303A of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) of Russian Federation. The purpose of this document is to provide students of group B8303A with unified standard of client-server communication for particular computer science course of second semester of 2013-2014 academic year by

Table of Contents


The key words MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

An implementation is not compliant if it fails to satisfy one or more of the MUST or REQUIRED level requirements for the protocols it implements. An implementation that satisfies all the MUST or REQUIRED level and all the SHOULD level requirements for its protocols is said to be unconditionally compliant; one that satisfies all the MUST level requirements but not all the SHOULD level requirements for its protocols is said to be conditionally compliant.


Client and server communicate with request and response messages. Each message MUST be represented by a single JSON object. Messages are sent via either HTTP/1.1 or WebSocket protocol.

Request message MUST contain a key action with a corresponding string value determining required action.

Each request message MUST be answered with a corresponding response message.

Response message MUST contain a key result with a corresponding value describing result.

Each response MUST contain key action with a value of the same key action of corresponding request. This one serves for describing response type.

If server does not handle the request regardless of underlying transport and with regard to value of 'action' key then server MUST respond with a key result of value badAction.

Both request and response messages MAY contain any other key/value pairs specific for particular request/response.



Key in context of JSON message stands for name in name/value pair which is the same as key/value pair or attribute/value pair. JSON RFC uses name in such context.


An authorization stage of communication MUST use HTTP/1.1 as an underlying transport. A method of HTTP request MUST be POST. Message MUST be HTTP message-body. Content-Type header of HTTP response MUST be application/json.


The requirements for user credentials are as follows:

login: [a-zA-Z0-9]{2,36} i.e. minimal length is 2 symbols and maximum length is 36 symbols. Allowed charset is latin symbols and numbers.

password: .{6, 36} i.e. minimal length is 6 symbols and maximum length is 36 symbols. Any character is allowed except characters indexed from 0 to 31 in ASCII.

class: see Player Classes


action: register
login: <new client's login> 
password: <new client's password>
class: <player class name>


result: one of: ok, badPassword, badLogin, badClass, loginExists



action: login
login: <client's login> 
password: <client's password>


result: one of: ok, invalidCredentials
sid: <string representation of session identifier>
webSocket: <WebSocket server URI>
id: <player ID for use with Game Interaction requests>
fistId: <fists' id for use it when no weapon equipped>



action: logout
sid: <client's sid>


result: one of: ok, badSid

Game Interaction

All communication other than authorization stage (with an exception of logout) is done via WebSocket protocol as underlying transport.

Common Invariants

Those rules apply to any client-server communication of Game Interaction section. Explicit inclusion of these rules may be ommited. If there is an exception from the rules, the corresponding section shall state it explicitly.

Each request message sent after client has been logged in MUST have a key sid with a string value of client sid provided by server. In case of invalid sid the result key of response MUST have a value of badSid.

In case of successful response result key of respone MUST have a value ok.

Destroy Item

Destroys an item. It is possible if distance between item and player centers doesn't exceed pickUpRadius or item is already in player's inventory. Otherwise result MUST be badId. If object with this id is not an item result MUST be badId.

If item has consumable class or expendable type (see Items) request body MUST contain amount field that specify amount of destroyed items.

When amount field contain negative value or value that is greater than count of items in stack or destroyed item is not stackable, result MUST be badAmount.


action: destroyItem
id: <item's id>
amount: <items amount>


Drop item from inventory to the ground. Item's x and y now MUST be the same as client's player ones.

If dropped item has consumable class or expendable type (see Items) request body MUST contain amount field that specify amount of dropped items.

When amount field contain negative value or value that is greater than count of items in stack or dropped item is not stackable, result MUST be badAmount.


action: drop
id: <id>
amount: <dropped items amount>


result: one of: ok, badSid, badId, badAmount


Equips item of given id onto specified slot. If it is impossible to equip this item onto that slot badSlot is returned. If slot is already occupied then item which is already there gets automatically unequipped and takes of the item being equipped.

If item is on the ground and it is possible to Pick Up it with Pick Up request then it is also possible to try to equip this item from the ground. If the result of such equipping is ok than item is automatically gets picked up.

When equipping a weapon of subtype two-handed or bow while wielding a some item in other hand — last one MUST be unequipped automatically.

If equipping has modified contents of other slots, then response MUST contain slots field, that is mapping from modified slot to id of item, that now is equipped in this slot.


action: equip
id: <item's id>
slot: <slot to equip onto>


slots: { <slot> : <item id>, ... }
result: one of: ok, badId, badSid, badSlot


There are three versions of Examine. One is for single id, other is for map cell and last is OPTIONAL for multiple id's.

Single id Examine


action: examine
id: <actor's identifier>


id: <actor's id>
type: <actor's type. One of `player`, `monster`, `item`, `projectile`>
x: <x coordinate>
y: <y coordinate>
result: one of: ok, badSid, badId

If type is item response MUST contain the following:

item: {<Item Description*>}

See Item Description

If type is either player or monster response MAY contain the following:

health: <actor's current number of health points>
maxHealth: <actor's maximum number of health points>
mana: <actor's current number of mana points>
maxMana: <actor's maximum number of mana points>
inventory: [<item description>, ...]
stats: {<stat name> : <stat value>, ...}

Field stats MUST contain all stats, described in Stats with corresponding values.

Under various circumstances inventory field MAY be present or not. However if given id is an id of a player corresponding to client issued an Examine request and this player's inventory is not empty the field inventory MUST always be present.

If present, inventory is an array of item ids.

If type is monster response MAY contain these fields:

name: <name of a monster>
mobType: <string describing the type of a monster>

If type is player response MAY contain these fields:

slots: {<slot name>: <item description>, ...}
login: <player's login>

Rules for presence of field slots are the same as for field inventory. If slot is empty it MAY be omitted.

For possible slot names see Slots

Map Cell Examine


(x, y) pair belongs to a cell. This cell is about to be examined.

action: examine
x: <x coordinate on map>
y: <y coordinate on map>


Response JSON object MUST contain a single field data which is an array of objects each representing a result from single id version of Examine. data MUST contain information for all objects belonging to given cell.

data: [{<single-id-examine's result}]

Multiple id Examine

The following is OPTIONAL. Examine request could be issued to examine multiple ids. In such case id field of request is an array of item's ids. Then response is an array of objects each containing fields from Examine response for single id. e.g.

        "id": 42,
        "type": "player",
        "login": "John",
        "x": 0,
        "y": 100,
        "result": "ok"
        "id": 43,
        "type": "player",
        "login": "Snow",
        "x": 1,
        "y": 99,
        "result": "ok"
        "result": "badId"

Get Dictionary

Dictionary is a JSON object describing mapping from game map cell (recieved via look action) to string value of cell type e.g.

    ".": "grass",
    "#": "wall"


action: getDictionary


dictionary: {...}


See Logout


A request for server to provide information for a map area around the client's player. Such information MUST be provided via keys map and actors.

TBD: If size of such area must be standardized

map key MUST have a value of an array of array of strings. Such strings are decoded via dictionary got using getDictionary request. map 2d array has row-major order. E.g. for a 4x6 (4 rows, 6 columns) map area:

    ["#", "#", ".", "#", "#", "#"],
    [".", ".", ".", ".", ".", "."],
    [".", ".", ".", ".", ".", "."],
    ["#", "#", "#", ".", "#", "#"]

actors key MUST have a value of an array of objects type. Each element of the array MUST describe a single actor present at the provided area in the following form:

type: <actor's type. One of `player`, `monster`, `item`, `projectile`>
id: <actor's id>
x: <global map space x coordinate of actor>
y: <global map space y coordinate of actor>

If type is not item actor description MUST contain:

health: <actor's current number of health points>
maxHealth: <actor's maximum number of health points>
mana: <actor's current number of mana points>
maxMana: <actor's maximum number of mana points>

If type is monster actor description MUST contain these fields:

race: <string describing the race of a monster>

If type is player actor description MUST contain theese fields:

class: <string describing the class of a player>

for more information about class field see Player Classes


action: look


map: [[...]]
actors: [{...}, ...]
x: <global map space x coordinate of player's center>
y: <global map space y coordinate of player's center>

See that actors don't contain current player itself


If total weight of items in Player's inventory exceeds this Player's carrying capacity then result is tooHeavy.


action: move
direction: one of: west, north, east, south
tick: <tick number for move action>

Pick Up

Request for client player to pick up an item with given ID. Object with this ID MUST have type item and distance between player's center and item's center MUST be less or equal than constant pickUpRadius. Otherwise nothing is picked up and result is badId.

If item is contained in someone's inventory than result is badId.

If total weight of Player's inventory exceeds Player's carrying capacity after picking up an item and it is possible to pick up item then result MUST be tooHeavy.


action: pickUp
id: <item-to-pick-up's id>


For each simulation tick server MUST broadcast current tick to all the clients. Tick message is neither request nor response message therefore implicit rules for keys sid, action, result don't apply to it.

Tick message is a JSON object. It MUST contain key tick with a value of server current tick number.

Tick numbers are required to grow monotonously by 1 for each tick.

Tick message MAY also contain an array events of JSON objects describing events occured at a given tick.

Server MAY decide to send some events only for a subset of clients. e.g. attack action only to ones for which it is visible.

Possible Events


If there are multiple targets for a single attack then server MUST produce multiple attack events for each target.

Field killed may be omitted if it is false.

event: "attack"
attacker: <attacker's id>
target: <target's id>
blowType: <string describing attack type e.g. "CLAW", "BITE", etc>
dealtDamage: <damage dealt>
killed: <whether target was killed or not>


x: <global-space x coordinate of effect center>
y: <global-space y coordinate of effect center>
radius: <visual effect radius>
type: <type of effect>


Unequips item with given id. badId is returned if there is no such item equipped on the client.


action: unequip
slot: <slot to be unequipped>


result: one of: ok, badSlot

badSlot MUST be returned if slot field contain invalid slot specificator or doesn't exist in request.


Use an object by given id. In general object can be used if it is contained in the player's inventory or equipped onto player. Objects can also be used if laying on the ground and can be picked up with Pick Up request.

Some item require certain additional data to be specified. e.g. if using equipped weapon client MUST specify x and y.

badSlot MUST be returned if using item required to be equipped e.g. using weapon present in inventory but unequipped.

If no item equipped as a weapon and player want to attack, fistId (see Login) MUST be used in request.


action: use
id: <item's id>

Optional data for various items:

x: <global map space x coordinate of target point>
y: <global map space y coordinate of target point>

This section is to be completed.


message: <text describing what's happened as a result of usage>
result: one of: ok, badId, badSlot, badPos


There are a number of request messages available only when server is in the testing stage. Such messages are marked with "Testing stage only." If such message to be sent while testing stage is not active, server MUST respond with "result": "badAction".

All testing API provided via web-socket. All testing requests need SID field in request body and can return badSid if SID is invalid.

Get Constants

Get a set of current constant values.


action: getConst


result: ok
playerVelocity: <value>
slideThreshold: <value>
ticksPerSecond: <value>
screenRowCount: <value>
screenColumnCount: <value>
pickUpRadius: <value>

Put Item

Testing stage only.


action: "putItem"
x: <x coordinate of item's center>
y: <y coordinate of item's center>
item: {<Item Description*>}

See also:


result: ok, badPlacing, badItem
id: <item's id>

Put Mob

Testing stage only.

Put specified mob onto the level map.


action: "putMob"
x: <mob's x coordinate>
y: <mob's y coordinate>
stats: {<Stats*>}
inventory : [{<Item Description*>}, ...]
flags: [<Flags*>, ...]
race: <Race*>
dealtDamage: <mob's dealt damage by single attack>

Field dealtDamage MUST exist in request. This field is specified by string of the form NdM, where N is count of verges dice and M is count of dice pops.

See also:


id: <mob's id>
result: one of: ok, badPlacing, badFlag, badRace, badInventory, badStats, badDamage

Put Player

Testing stage only.

Put player instance onto the level map, specifying inventory, slots and stats. Player has CAN_MOVE and CAN_BLOW flags by default.


action: "putPlayer"
x: <player's x coordinate>
y: <player's y coordinate>
inventory: [{<Item Description*>}, ...]
slots: {<Slot name. Slots*> : {<Item Description*>}, ...}
stats: {<Stats*>}

See also:


sid: <player's session id>
id: <player's id>
fistId: <player's fist id>
inventory: [<items' id generated in inventory>]
slots: {<Slot name. Slots*> : <items' id generated for slot>, ...}
result: one of: ok, badPlacing, badInventory, badSlot, badStats

If there was not items in inventory/slots field in putPlayer request then corresponding fields in response MAY be omitted.


Testing stage only.

This request tell server perform some player's action.


action: "enforce"
enforcedAction: <object that represent any action of player>


actionResult: <object that represent result of perfoming requested action>
result: one of: ok, badSid, badEnforcedAction

Set Location

Testing stage only.

Set x, y coordinates of player.


action: "setLocation"
x: <desired player's x coordinate>
y: <desired player's y coordinate>


result: on of: ok, badPlacing, badSid

Set Up Constants

Testing stage only.

Upload a set of constants for a server to immediately set up. There is a reference set of constants for the purposes of cross server testing:

    "action": "setUpConst",
    "playerVelocity": 1.0,
    "slideThreshold": 0.1,
    "ticksPerSecond": 60,
    "screenRowCount": 7,
    "screenColumnCount": 9,
    "pickUpRadius": 1.5


action: setUpConst
playerVelocity: <portion of tile player travels through the world per second>
slideThreshold: <portion of tile which gets ignored when moving towards it>
ticksPerSecond: <number of simulation cycles per second>
screenRowCount: <number of tile rows in a rectangle get via `look`>
screenColumnCount: <number of tile columns in a rectangle get via `look`>
pickUpRadius: <maximum distance between player's center and item's one for latter to be picked up>


result: one of: ok, badAction

Set Up Map

Testing stage only.

Upload map to server and set it up as currently active. If server assumes uploaded map to be invalid (e.g. malformed map array or wrong cell value) then the request MUST be responded with badMap. Innermost values of map key are those found in Dictionary.

Minimal size of map is 1x1. Empty map is badMap.


    "action": "setUpMap",
    "map": [
    [<column count number of values>],
    [<column count number of values>],
    [<column count number of values>],
    ... <total of row count arrays with row values>
    [<column count number of values>]


result: one of: ok, badMap, badAction

Start Testing

This request MUST be sent each time at the beginning of testing stage. Once this message is responded with "result": "ok", it is valid to state that testing stage is now active.

It is invalid to request Start Testing when testing stage is already active. In such case request MUST be answered with "result": "badAction".


action: startTesting


result: one of: ok, badAction

Stop Testing

Testing stage only.

Each testing stage MUST be closed with this request. Once responded with "result": "ok" it is valid to state that server is no more in the testing stage.


action: stopTesting


result: one of: ok, badAction

Data Invariants

This section describes involved data.

All units in game are measured in tiles, assuming one tile width and height to be 1.0. Upscaling this for rendering is up to client.

Game Objects

Game Objects are the contents of actors array of look response. Items in inventory of creatures are also game objects. Hovewer those don't appear in look's actors.

The type of game object may be one of:

  • player
  • monster
  • item
  • projectile

All of those MUST have square shape. Player's and monster's size MUST be 1. Item's and projectile's size MUST be 0.



  • warrior
  • rogue
  • mage


  • left-hand - one-handed weapon or shield slot
  • right-hand - one-handed weapon or shield slot
  • ammo - slot for weapon expendables. e.g. arrows for bow.
  • left-finger - ring
  • right-finger - ring
  • neck - amulet
  • body - armor
  • head - helmet
  • forearm - gloves
  • feet - boots


name : <monster's name>
x: <mob's x coordinate>
y: <mob's y coordinate>
stats: {<Stats*>}
race: <Race*>

Monsters have a simple logic realized by flags (see Flags). Describe main concepts of monsters' behavior logic.

  1. If monster found target, it has to go to it.
  2. If monster gets attacked by player, it MUST get player as new target.
  3. If monster gets attacked by another monster, first one has to options:
    • if it was fighting with another monster, one MAY switch its target to attacker
    • if it wasn't, one MUST gets attacker as new target


Every item MUST have a weight. Number of items in inventory and slots of any Creature (Monster or Player) MUST be limited by maximum weight Creature can handle.

If weight of item to be picked up exceeds maximum Player's weight then pickUp request MUST result in tooHeavy.

If total weight of items in inventory of any Creature somehow exceeds its carrying capacity then Creature becomes immobilized. If Player is to be immobilized then move request MUST result in tooHeavy.

Item Description

Some requests from Testing section MAY induce a need to describe an item. Examine returns itemData in the same form.

Item description is a set of JSON fields:

name: <item's name>
weight: <item's weight>
class: <Item Class*>
type: <Item Type*>
subtype: <Item Subtype*>
bonuses : [{<Bonus Description*>}, ...]
effects : [{<Effect Description*>}, ...]

Based on the context those fields may be wrapped in JSON object.

Bonus application order is determined via order of bonuses elements. Same applies to effects.

Field subtype MUST be omitted if there is no subtypes specified for item type. Otherwise it MUST be present.

No shield can be equipped with bow or two-handed. arrows can only be equipped with bow.

Item Class

  • garment
  • consumable

Item Type

types for garment class:

  • amulet
  • ring
  • armor
  • shield
  • helm
  • gloves
  • boots
  • weapon
  • expendable

Item Subtype

subtypes for weapon type of garment class:

  • one-handed
  • two-handed
  • bow

subtypes for expendable type of garment class:

  • arrows

Bonus description

Only equipment may have bonuses.


Json-object represent bonus description. There is a one kind of bonuses in Angband: constant bonus to some stat. Our team added something like it: bonus to any stat of active object (mob, player), but it can be calculated as percent bonus. So, we have two kinds of bonuses: constant bonus and percent bonus. Calculation for constant bonus: += <bonus_val> Calculation for percent bonus: += * <bonus_val> Value of bonus can be a negative.

stat: <stat modified by bonus>
effectCalculation: <const|percent>
value: <value of bonus>

Effect description


Json-object respresent effect description. Effects in Angband are something hazy, so I invented my own. Effect is something, that modified some only stat during some time. There is two kinds of effects: OnGoingEffect (modify stat continuously with some fixed value) and BonusEffect (add some bonus).

Ongoing Effect Description
stat : <stat modified by effect>
duration : <effect duration in seconds>
type: "ongoing"
value: <value of effect>
Bonus Effect Description
duration: <effect duration in seconds>
effectType: "bonus"
bonus: <bonus description>


name: <projectile's name>
type: 'projectile'
x   : <projectile's x coord>
y   : <projectile's y coord>


Both players and monsters have race. Player always have PLAYER race.

Possible races are:

  • ORC
  • EVIL

Races aree taken from Angband (except for the PLAYER race).


The following flags are available:

  • HATE_<race>

Angband has many flags. Of our flags CAN_MOVE and CAN_BLOW have relation to Angband's NEVER_MOVE and NEVER_BLOW ones.

TBD: REFORMULATE the following: If mob hasn't flag NEVER_MOVE (NEVER_BLOW), it has CAN_MOVE (CAN_BLOW) flag by default. Otherwise, if mob has never-flag in angband, it hasn't corresponding flag in our MMO.

Angband have no HATE_<race> flag. E.g. HATE_ORC, HATE_PLAYER etc.

TBD: describe thoroughly what does it mean to HATE_<race> etc


Both players and monsters have stats. Stat describes to what extent a character possesses a natural, in-born characteristic.

Stats in Angband:

  • STR
  • INT
  • WIS
  • DEX
  • CON

Our game does not implement all of those. Instead we are using the following stats:

  • HP
  • MAX_HP
  • MP
  • MAX_MP

Some requests from Testing section require to specify stats field. Stats field MUST be JSON object containing zero or more of the aforementioned stats.

If any particular stat as well as the whole stats field of request is not required for testing it MAY be omitted.

TBD: rework stats and describe which stats affect which.


A protocol specification for fefu-mmorpg project






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