Faultry is a clean, responsive theme for Ghost 0.5+ blogs. You can view a demo (with a few minor modifications) at Ross's blog. It is based heavily on Sheet, by Brian O'Keefe
Sheet uses Pure for its responsive grid. It uses Open Sans from Google Fonts, and includes Font Awesome, jQuery, and MathJax.
See the Ghost documentation on installing themes.
Copyright (c) 2015 Ross Rheingans-Yoo
I do intend to someday release Faultry under some open license, but honestly, I feel that it's not yet ready for production, so it is currently not licensed for public use, even to parties acquiring this source code. Until I release a future version of Faultry with such a license, I'd appreciate it if you didn't use it (though you're certainly free to download it and read it yourself).
Sheet is released MIT license, so if you like most of what's here, feel free to pull-request from there.