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A pure bash clojureish CI pipeline.

Main Features

  • Complete CI engine
  • Execute local or remote
  • Pure data syntax edn
  • Clojure script syntax
  • Easy command line integration like (docker, kubectl, apt)
  • Concurrency execution
  • Modular and extensible


  • Alternative method to install clojure, using "clojure", but without clojure
  • Tired to write yaml every day
  • Create something cool with Fleck

Table of contents



  • bash 4
  • coreutils
  • git
  • docker Âą
  • ssh ²
  • scp ²

Âą docker module
² remote execution

install script

# download

curl -L > lines
chmod +x lines
sudo mv lines /usr/bin/lines

minimal usage

Create a file .lines.edn with followin data.

[{:apply ["echo hello world!"]}]

Just execute command lines

name: lines *******************************************************************
target: local
start: ter 22 dez 2020 21:38:01 -03
  cmd: echo hello world!
    hello world!
  exit-code: 0
status: true
finished: ter 22 dez 2020 21:38:04 -03 ****************************************

Job keywords

A job is defined as a hashmap of keywords. The commons keywords available for job are:

keyword type description
apply array the tasks that job will handler
name string optional job name
module string module name
target hashmap where the job will run
vars hashmap set env vars (branch name changes conforme current branch)
args hashmap arguments modules, each module has own args
ignore-error boolean when job fail the execution continue
retries integer number of retries if job fail, max 2


Is the only required keyword that job needs. It's an array of objects that will be executed by a module. Each element of array is a tasks and the job can handler N tasks. If any tasks has a exit code different than 0, the job will stop and throw the error. ignore-error and retries helps to handler errors.

{:apply ["uname -a"
         "make build"]}

using default module shell, apply is a array of strings.

{:module "scp"
 :apply [{:src "program.tar.gz" :dest "/tmp/program.tar.gz"}
         {:src ""      :dest "/tmp/"}]}

scp uses a list of hashmaps


name is just a label for the job.

{:name "install curl"
 :module "shell"
 :apply ["apk add curl"]}


module is the method executed by job (default is shell)

{:module "shell"
 :apply ["whoami"]}

Docker module

{:module "docker"
 :args {:image "node"}
 :apply ["npm test"]}

the builtin modules are:

module description
shell execute shell commands
docker start a docker instance and execute shell commands inside it
template render lines template and copy to it to destiny
scp copy files over scp

is possible create custom modules


Host target is the location where the job will run. If any target passed the job will run at localhost.

{:target {:label "web-server"
          :host ""
          :port 22
          :method "ssh"}}

Targets can be defined in separated file, during execution is possible to merge data with job and execute the same job in n hosts.

keywords description
label host label, just for identify
host ip or fqdn for access host
user login user
port method port 22 is default
method connection method, ssh is default

Is possible set another keywords for filter like group, dc or any other value you need to organizer targets.

After job executed it return themself with result values


Variables will be inject in environment during tasks execution.

{:vars {MY_VAR_0 "lines"
        MY_VAR_1 "go"}
 :apply ["echo $MY_VAR_0"
         "echo $MY_VAR_1"]}

BRANCH_NAME and BRANCH_NAME_SLUG are inject in environment.


Args is the parameters of modules.

{:args {:sudo true}
 :apply ["apt-get update"
         "apt-get install htop -y]}

All tasks will run with sudo


If some task fail, lines will not stop the pipeline, just return the current task failed.

{:ignore-error true
 :apply ["whoami"
         "exit 1"
         "dpkg -l"]}

The tasks after error will not be executed.


If some task fail, retry will run it again.

{:retries 2
 :apply ["ping -c 1 my-host"]}

The max retries are 2, but it can be increase setting LINES_JOB_MAX_ATTEMPTS at environment vars.



Is it the default module, just spawn scripts to shell.

{:module "shell"
 :apply ["date"]}

Command will be executed inside a heredoc block

<command_header> bash -s <<-'LINES-BLOCK-EOF'
export <env vars>;


keyword type description
sudoÂą boolean apply commands using sudo
userÂą string change current user
entrypoint array change initial entry command (default is ["bash" "-s"])

Âą needs pre configured sudoers (without password)


Create a docker instance and execute commands inside it.

single instance

{:module "docker"
 :apply ["whoami"]}
  • start docker instance with default image (alpine)
  • run command whoami inside container


{:module "docker"
 :args {:image "ubuntu"
        :services [{:image "nginx"
                    :alias "nginx"}]}
 :apply ["apt-get update"
         "apt-get install curl -y"
         "curl http://nginx"]}
  • start docker instance with nginx image as a service and set network alias as nginx
  • start another docker instance with ubuntu image
  • install ubuntu packages
  • execute curl at service from ubuntu instance

download artifacts

Download files or directory from a docker instance.

{:module "docker"
 :args {:artifacts {:paths ["file"
 :apply ["touch file"
         "mkdir directory"
         "touch directory/file"]}


keyword type description
image string docker instance path name
entrypoint array change initial entry command (default is sh)
privileged boolean run job with privileged access and mount docker socket
services array services description
artifacts hasmap download artifact from docker instance

services description

Services is an array of hashmaps, is possible up N services with docker module, the following keywords can be used to build a service.

keyword type description
image string docker instance path name
vars hashmap like job vars but exclusive from instance service
alias string network alias name, otherwise slug image name
entrypoint string service entrypoint string, otherwise ''

artifacts description

Download a files or directories from a docker instance.

keyword type description
paths array file or folder relative or full path


Copy files and folders to remote host over scp.

{:module "scp"
 :apply [{:src "./dist/command.bin"
          :dest "/usb/bin/command"}]}

apply arguments

keyword type description
src string file or directory source
dest string file or directory destiny
recursive boolean set true for directory copy


Simple template file that only replace values inside double brackets {{ varname }}.

Hello {{ NAME }}!

template file

{:module "template"
 :vars {NAME "lines"}
 :apply [{:src "./hello-world.j2"
          :dest "/tmp/hello-world.txt"}]}

user module

Lines provides interface with custom user module.

Just put additional clojure scripts at .lines/modules/<module_name>/module.clj, like following example.

; .lines/modules/git/module.clj

; create a boilerplate function for git command
(str-use ["git"])

; custom user function, params: job (receive job definition), i (apply index)
; the function to return a string eg. `git clone -v [email protected]:rosineygp/mkdkr.git mkdkr`
(defn str-git-command-line [job i]
  (git ["clone"
        (get i :repos)
        (get i :dest)]))

; lines will call this function `lines-module-<module_name>`
(defn lines-module-git [job]
  (lines-task-loop job str-git-command-line)) ; loop handler

Using user module.

{:module "git"
 :apply [{:repos "[email protected]:rosineygp/lines.git" :dest "lines"}
         {:repos "[email protected]:rosineygp/mkdkr.git" :dest "mkdkr"}]}

EDN Pipeline

Pipelines is an array of jobs, and can be described using only edn.

; file: node.edn

[{:name "build"
  :apply ["npm install"]}
 [{:name "unit test"
   :group ["test"]
   :apply ["npm unit"]}
  {:name "mocha test"
   :group ["test"]
   :apply ["npm mocha"]}]
 {:name "deploy"
  :apply ["npm deploy"]}]

Jobs inside pipeline can be executed in parallel, just group then with [ array ], is possible use custom keywords for better notation like :groups.

# execute all jobs
lines -p node.edn

# filter only tests
lines -p node.edn -j group=test

Targets file

Is possible describe hosts targets using edn files, like pipeline.

; file: hosts.edn

[{:label "vm-0" :host "" :method "ssh" :user "ubuntu"}
 {:label "vm-1" :host "" :method "ssh" :user "ubuntu"}]

ssh only works with authorized_keys pre-configured, command ssh-copy-id can help configure it.

# execute pipeline in all hosts
lines -p node.edn -i hosts.edn

# filter only wm-0 host
lines -p node.edn -i hosts.edn -l label=wm-0

# filter jobs deploy and host wm-1
lines -p node.edn -i hosts.edn -l label=wm-1 -j name=deploy

EDN files are not safe is possible call functions dynamically.

; unsafe pipeline, extensions are based on this behavior

[{:apply [(str "echo " (time-ms))]}]

Clojure Pipeline

Powerful and dynamic pipelines with complex scenarios.

; generate single job for each yml found and test with docker image yamllint

(lines-pp (parallel
    (map (fn [x] (assoc {}
                        :name (get x :object)
                        :module "docker"
                        :args {:image "my/yamllint"}
                        :apply [(str "yamllint " (get x :object))]))
            (filter (fn [i] (= "yml" (get i :type))) (list-dir "src/")))))

This project use this case to test itself at .lines.clj.

Lines functions

The following functions will help to build lines clojure scripts.

name description
job execute edn job
parallel execute jobs in parallel
str-use mapping command line to function, return str not execute
use mapping command line to function, run immediately
pipeline execute end pipeline
lines-pp beautiful print pipeline
lines-pp-minimal beautiful print pipeline (single line)
merge-job-targets generate a mixed list with edn pipelines and targets
isremote? check if target will run local or in remote machine

src/core.clj and src/includes/lang-utils.clj has more useful functions.

Additional functions included in Lines.

filter | pmap | println_stderr | exit! | trap! | unset | str-join | str-subs | range | str-ident | mod | file-exists | file-write | unlink | or | and | hashmap-list | merge | key-name | call | callable? | get-in | even? | odd? | load-once | spit

The result of function job is the following data:

({:attempts 1
  :args {}
  :module "shell"
  :status true
  :apply ["echo hello world!"]
  :name "lines"
  :retries 0
  :target {:label "local" :method "local"}
  :pipestatus ((0))
  :finished 1608684590507
  :vars {"BRANCH_NAME_SLUG" "master" "BRANCH_NAME" "master"}
  :ignore-error false
  :start 1608684587657
  :result (({:exit-code 0
             :finished 1608684590253
             :cmd "echo hello world!"
             :stdout "hello world!"
             :stderr ""
             :start 1608684590233
             :debug "  bash -s <<-'LINES-BLOCK-EOF'\n export BRANCH_NAME_SLUG=\"master\" BRANCH_NAME=\"master\" ;\n echo hello world! \nLINES-BLOCK-EOF"}))})

Environment vars

Lines variables definition.

name default description
LINES_JOB_TTL 3600 max time that a job can run (only docker module)
LINES_JOB_MAX_ATTEMPTS 2 max number of retries
LINES_MODULES_DIR ".lines/modules/" modules default location
LINES_EXT_DIR ".lines/ext/" extensions default location
FLK_MAX_THREADS undefined max number of threads in parallel execution


Is possible create functions and extend usability, all extensions must be keep at .lines/ext/, it is just a clojure script with useful functions.

; file: .lines/ext/apt-helper.clj

(str-use ["apt-get"])

(defn apt-update []
  (apt-get ["update"]))

(defn apt-args [options packages]
   (apt-get  (concat options packages)))

(defn apt-install [packages]
  (apt-args ["install" "-y"] packages))

(defn apt-remove [packages]
  (apt-args ["remove" "-y"] packages))

Now edn files or pipeline can call those functions.

; edn pipeline

[{:name "apt with extensions"
  :apply [(apt-update)
          (apt-install ["python"


Build this project


> result
  flk lines

flk is same of Fleck with patches/ applied and lines is flk with all src/ included.

Testing changes in src/ without build.

./flk src/main.clj <params>