This is the one monorepo that combines:
- Protobuf definitions
- Go backend implementation
- gRPC gateway
- gRPC Typescript Client
- React App
To run everything - gateway, backend, react app - you need to run three different commands:
- Start the backend:
mage run:api
- Start the gateway:
mage run:gateway
- Start the app (supports hot reloading via Vite):
mage run:app
This repository is set up with the following overall tooling:
- Mage for running make-like commands
- Bazel as build system for Go / Protobuf
- Buf to generate code from Protobuf files
- Yarn for frontend code
Ensure the following tools are installed locally:
- Bazelisk:
brew install bazelisk
- Buf:
brew install bufbuild/buf/buf
- Yarn v2 is enabled:
corepack enable
Make sure to install all recommended VSCode plugins when using this repository. Also for doing any changes to the frontend code make sure you have setup the Yarn SDKs correctly by running:
yarn dlx @yarnpkg/sdks vscode
This should also automatically configure TypeScript correctly. After running this command re-open VSCode and open any TypeScript file. You should be prompted to select your "workspace" TypeScript installation.
All protobuf definitions are stored inside the protobufs directory.
When adding dependencies to external protobufs make sure to reference them in the Buf config file buf.yaml.
Whenver you changed the protobuf definitions:
- Make sure all Bazel build files are up to date:
mage bazel:gazelle
- Generate new code for the updated protos:
mage buf:generate
The protobuf generation does the following:
- Generate corresponding Go code for the protobuf messages (in gen/proto/go).
- Generate gRPC service stubs for Go (in gen/proto/go).
- Generate gRPC Gateway code in Go (in gen/proto/go).
- Generate an OpenAPI v2 specification (in gen/proto/openapi).
- Generate a TypeScript client from the OpenAPI spec (in packages/api/src/api.ts) with
We use
via the OpenAPI intermediate spec as the default gRPC web client generators don't really support option / required fields and validation rules so that the generated TypeScript types are harder to work with.
There are two main directories for Go code:
After any change to a Go file just make sure to run
mage bazel:gazelle
to ensure that all Bazel build files are up-to-date.
When adding new dependencies for Go, just add the dependency as usual:
go get <dependency>
Afterwards just make sure to run:
mage bazel:gazelle
This will also automatically run go mod tidy
We use Yarn workspaces to have multiple packages in this repository. The packages/api package is purely to contain the generated TypeScript client and should not need manual intervention.
The React app is fully contained in packages/app and is a default React app setup with Vite.