ColombiApp is a mobile application developed with Ionic 8 for learning purpose and public use as an open source application open to improvements.
The app makes requests to an also free and open source API called api-colombia
See API documentation here
Steps to run project in local browser:
- Clone project
git clone
- In project's folder, open a terminal.
- Make sure you're using Node +18.
- Run in terminal:
npm i
to install node modules. - Run project with:
ionic serve
- Application will open in browser at
- Since the app was designed for mobile only, it is recommended to try running on browser, opening the Dev Tools and changing the view to mobile for a correct user experience.
Do you want to contribute to this project?
Easy as following these steps:
- Fork the Repository: click the "Fork" button in the top-right corner. This creates a copy of ColombiApp's repository under your GitHub account.
- Clone the Forked Repository: After forking, you should clone the forked repository to your local machine using Git. This allows you to make changes locally.
- Create a Branch: Within your local repository, create a new branch to work on your changes. This helps keep changes isolated and makes it easier to manage multiple contributions.
- Make Changes: make your changes to the codebase.
- Commit Changes: Once you have made your changes, commit them to your local branch with descriptive commit message.
- Push Changes to Fork: After committing your changes locally, push your branch to your forked repository on GitHub. This makes your changes available remotely.
- Submit a Pull Request: Finally, navigate to your forked repository on GitHub and click the "New pull request" button. You'll need to select the branch containing your changes and specify the branch you want to merge into in the original repository. After creating the pull request, please provide a description explaining the purpose of your changes.