This application can be used as starter kit if you want to get started building an app with Rails, React, and GraphQL. This is a simple blog engine using ordinary features which can be found in most web applications.
If you are interested by Elixir, I created a similar application with Phoenix and Absinthe that you might like: Yummy Phoenix GraphQL.
- TypeScript - A superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It introduces many great concepts, such as, Virtual DOM, Data flow, etc.
- Create React App - is a new officially supported way to create single-page React applications. It offers a modern build setup with no configuration.
- Bulma - Bulma is a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
- Apollo 2 - A flexible, fully-featured GraphQL client for every platform.
- React Final Form - High performance subscription-based form state management for React.
- Ruby 2.4
- Rails 5.1
- GraphQL-Ruby - GraphQL-Ruby is a Ruby implementation of GraphQL.
- GraphQL-batch - GraphQL-batch is a query batching executor for the graphql gem.
- Graphiql - Graphiql is an in-browser IDE for exploring GraphQL.
- Rack CORS - Rack Middleware for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), which makes cross-origin AJAX possible.
- Optics Agent - Optics Agent for GraphQL Monitoring
- SQLite3 for development and PostgreSQL for production.
- CRUD (create / read / update / delete) on posts
- Creating comments on post page
- Pagination on posts listing
- Searching on posts
- Authentication with Devise and authorizations (visitors, users, admins)
- Creating user account
- Update user profile and changing password
- Setup dev tools
- Application ready for production
- Queries et mutations
- FetchMore for pagination
- Using
- Apollo Link (dedup, onError, auth)
- Managing local state with Apollo Link
- Optimistic UI
- Static GraphQL queries
- Validation management and integration with Final Form
- Authentication and authorizations
- Protect queries and mutations on GraphQL API
- Batching of GraphQL queries into one HTTP request
- Batching of SQL queries backend side
- Ruby 2.4
- Node 9.2 (Installing Node)
- SQLite3
Install Bundler
$ gem install bundler
Checkout the graphql-rails-blog git tree from Github
$ git clone $ cd graphql-rails-blog graphql-rails-blog$
Run Bundler to install/bundle gems needed by the project:
graphql-rails-blog$ bundle
Create the database:
graphql-rails-blog$ rails db:migrate
Load sample records:
graphql-rails-blog$ rails db:seed
Run the Rails server in development mode
graphql-rails-blog$ rails server
Run Yarn to install javascript package in other terminal:
graphql-rails-blog$ cd client graphql-rails-blog/client$ yarn
Start client in development mode. You should be able to go to
:graphql-rails-blog/client$ yarn start
- Use subscription GraphQL feature
- Create mobile app with React Native
MIT © Matthieu Segret