This web page uses web assembly to convert a voxel-based NIfTI image (.nii; .nii.gz) to a triangle-based mesh format (.gii, .mz3, .obj, .ply, .stl, .vtk). For more details, see nii2mesh.
You can clone the project and test it locally using http-server. The repository comes with pre-compiled WebAssembly, but you can recompile the WASM code with the command make wasm
. Note that Github allows you to publish your repositories as web pages, allowing you to publicly share your modifications. Commands for local testing include:
git clone
cd nii2meshWeb
make wasm
- nii2mesh provides details on the core code.
- vtk.js provides an alternate method for marching cubes.
- Will Usher has created a rust-based WASM Marching Cubes with a nice live demo.
- Web page and javascript wrapper based on work by MyMiniFactory.