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Accurately capturing timing of pipelines and targets with tar_make_clustermq() #424

Closed Answered by wlandau
ajjitn asked this question in Help
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As you say, targets computes the elapsed runtime at a granular level. For a non-branching target or an individual branch, this is just the number of seconds it took to run the last time it was not skipped. For a branching target, the runtime is the sum of the last runtimes of all the branches. These results do not depend on which targets were skipped last, and they do not depend on the number of parallel workers, which could vary from run to run based on the user's choice. These decisions make the reported times more reliable and consistent than otherwise.

If you invoke tar_make_clustermq() from inside a script and run the script with R CMD BATCH, then the .Rout file will report the elaps…

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