Capistrano extension that maps RightScale parameters to Roles [RightScale](
Install the packages
For Debian/Ubuntu:
$ apt-get install ruby ruby-dev $ apt-get install rubygems (if not installed)
For RHEL5 (probably needs the EPEL repository enabled):
$ yum install ruby ruby-devel $ yum install rubygems (if not installed)
For MacOSX(MacPorts):
$ port install ruby $ port install rb-rubygems (if not installed)
Install the cap-rightscale:
$ gem install cap-rightscale
To prepare, go info the root directory of that project and run capify:
$ cd <project_dir> $ capify .
Configure Capfile(example deploy.rb):
# config/deploy.rb require 'rubygems' require 'cap-rightscale' require 'cap-rightscale/recipes' DEPLOYMENT_ID = 12345 # RightScale Deployment ID SERVER_ARRAY_ID = 6789 # RightScale ServerArray ID # set roles nickname :web, :name_prefix => "proxy", :deployment => DEPLOYMENT_ID server_array :app, :array_id => SERVER_ARRAY_ID tag :dbm, :tags => "xx_db:role=master", :deployment => DEPLOYMENT_ID tag :dbs, :tags => "xx_db:role=slave", :deployment => DEPLOYMENT_ID, :no_release => true
Put RightScale API Credential file into <HOME>/.rsconf/rsapiconfig.yml
# <HOME>/.rsconf/rsapiconfig.yml username: [email protected] password: yourpassword account: 1
Run testing:
$ cap rs:none
For more help with Capistrano, see this:
In order to define role, RightScale nickname and deployment mappings:
nickname :web, :name_prefix => "proxy", :deployment => 12345 # => role :web, ["proxyXXX", ... in deployment ID:12345]
ServerArray mappings:
server_array :app, :array_id => 6789, :backup => true # => role(:app, :backup => true) { ["apXXX", ... in serverarray ID:6789] }
Machine tags and deployment mappings:
tag :dbm, :name_prefix => "db", :tags => ["xx_db:env=prod", "xx_db:role=master"], :deployment => 12345, :primary => true # => role(:dbm, :primary => true) { ["dbXXX", ... in deployment ID:12345] }
see the below site:
Authentication - RightScale Cloud Management Support Portal
You must authenticate to use the RightScale API, Make sure to set your own login/password(used to login to RightScale dashboard) and account number(the tail end of the Dashboard URL: Settings > Account)
Put Authentication file described in RightScale API credentials into <HOME>/.rsconf/rsapiconfig.yml
Or, You can define filepath:
# config/deploy.rb set :rs_confpath, "/project/config/rs_auth.yml"
These functions require RightScale api calls, which are slow. On the first call, Write a cache file in the temp directory. Default cache lifetime is 86400 seconds(1day) each role.
modified cache life time:
# config/deploy.rb set :rs_lifetime, 86400 * 7 # 1week
This can be disabled with ENV variable: RS_CACHE=false
, set :rs_lifetime 0
OR rs_disable :use_rs_cache
in the Capfile.
$ cap invoke COMMAND='hostname' RS_CACHE=false # disable cache config/deploy.rb set :rs_lifetime, 0 # the other way rs_disable :use_rs_cache
Conversely, to use cache to infinity with set :rs_lifetime -1
# config/deploy.rb set :rs_lifetime, -1
Cache clear task(needs after modifying the Capfile):
$ cap rs:cache:clear $ cap rs:cc
Default name is Amazon EC2 local IP address, This can be changed according to the parameter.
Use EC2 public IP address:
# config/deploy.rb rs_enable :use_public_ip
Use RightScale nickname(use as name to resolve for host in /etc/hosts
or dns record entry). This takes priority over ip address. Using RightScale Nickname, How to DNS hostname for ec2 instances:
“Developing RightScripts - RightScale Cloud Management Support Portal”
“Environment Inputs - RightScale Cloud Management Support Portal”
“HowTo update DNS hostnames automatically for your Amazon EC2 instances | MDLog:/sysadmin”
# config/deploy.rb rs_enable :use_nickname # RightScale nickname set :rs_domain, "" # set subdomain managed by your dns server zone(option: default ref <tt>search</tt> in <tt>/etc/resolv.conf</tt>) # set domain each role(priority over <tt>set :rs_domain</tt>) nickname :web, :nickname => "lb", :domain => ""
Instance nickname in Server Array is <ServerArray name> #number
# ServerArray name: prod-web prod-web #1 # <= instance nickname
cap-rightscale replace instance nickname in Server Array to use dns hostname for your dns server. Default format is “%d”(example: web #1 => web1).
Use rs_array_number_format
to replace nickname format:
# config/deploy.rb rs_array_number_format "%03d" # web #1 => web001 rs_array_number_format "-%d" # web #1 => web-1
Using ping and name resolv, validate host(except invalid host).
rs_enable :validate_echo
: In case you want to except hang-up instance -
rs_enable :validate_resolv
: In case you want to except host can not be resolved# config/deploy.rb rs_enable :validate_echo, :validate_resolv
nickname(role, params)
Capistrano role paramter(:app, :web, :db)
nickname :app, :name_prefix => "ap", :deployment => 12345, :user => "www" nickname :db, :name_prefix => "db", :deployment => 12345, :except_tags => "xx_db:state=broken" nickname :mem, :name_prefix => "mem", :deployment => 12345, :except_tags => ["xx_mem:state=out_of_service"]
server_array(role, params)
Capistrano role paramter(:app, :web, :db)
server_array :app, :array_id => 6789, :user => "www" server_array :mem, :array_id => 4321, :except_tags => "xx_mem:state=broken", :domain => ""
tag(role, params)
Capistrano role paramter(:app, :web, :db)
tag :dbm, :deployment => 12345, :name_prefix => "db", :tags => "xx_db:role=master", :primary => true tag :dbs, :deployment => 12345, :tags => ["xx_db:role=slave", "xx_db:master"] # matching tag "xx_db:master=<master_ip>"
To suppress output as possible(-v option):
$ cap -v shell $ cap -v invoke COMMAND='cat /var/log/httpd/access_log' 2>/tmp/collect_httpd_access_log
Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet
Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it
Fork the project
Start a feature/bugfix branch
Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright © 2011 Satoshi Ohki. See LICENSE.txt for further details.