My first game with UNITY.
The Game was made for educational pourpose. I learned the unity from the very basic, learned about the few important classes like Rigidbody, Text(UI), Light, Physic, Vector3, how to control collisions between two objects, controlling the animations, controlling the sequence of scenes using the scene's buildIndex.
A very BASIC GAME AVOIDTHEBLOCKS. All you have to do is to control the Player Block using "a"(for left) and "d"(for right).There are Three Levels in total, not so hard. After every successful attempt the windows automatically shifts to next level. The game start with a Welcome Screen and a button with start on it. As Soon as you click start, the window changes and take you to the first level. First screen of first level there is instruction which shows to press "W" in order to start the game, as soon as you click "W" game starts. After the completion of the thrid level the Window takes you to the the credits scene, there is a button with EXIT on it, if you click it the application will abort. There are small animation which shows "LEVEL COMPLETED" in the fadded manner and the background changes. Again this is a very basic GAME and my first game, Mostly used for Learning C# and UNITY.
In order to start the game double click the executable file "AvoidTheBlocks.exe" and it will directly take you the game.
Link for Breackey's toutorial for making games with unity (