This is still in Development!!! EthiCapital connects financial advisors to existing or prospective clients based on Environmental, Social, and Governance Investments (ESG). This app accomplishes 3 main goals: 1) Clients can search for financial advisors based on location, area of focus (i.e. renewable energy, animal rights, human rights...), or both location and area of focus. Please note The location search is based on the Google Maps API. Add your own API key to use this function ( 2) Clients can fill out a risk tolerance questionnaire and EthiCapital will build a proposal with a risk model based on their risk capacity. There are 5 models ranging from very little risk (80% bonds, 20% stocks) to very high risk (100% stocks). 3) These proposals are saved on both client and advisor sides. Clients can download a pdf of the proposal, sign it, and upload the signed version (serving as a signed contract). , allows financial advisors to upload personalized proposals, and creates a signed agreement between the two parties. This is still in Development!!!
- Clone this application into a directory (using git clone)
- bundle the gems
- rails db:create
- rails db:seed
- this will allow you to have some examples of advisors, clients, and the risk models
- Note The password for all clients and advisors is: jamie
- rails s
- to view on http://localhost:3000
- Ruby version: This was built on Rails 5.0.2