Simple library for accepting payments via PayU.
By Visuality.
- No dependencies on ActiveSupport or any similar libraries, so it should work in any Ruby application or framework
- Simple configuration (multiple points of sale)
- Automatic signature generation and verification
- View helpers for generating payment form and verifying signatures
In your Gemfile:
gem 'payu'
Or, from the command line:
gem install payu
This gem implements only core functionality for integrating with PayU gateway. It is designed to work with any ruby framework or plain ruby application. To integrate it in your app you need to do some work, but it is really simple.
Your app will interact with PayU via point of sale (Pos). You can create it on PayU website and get its credentials. With these credentials you can create Pos instance:
pos = :pos_id => '12345', :pos_auth_key => 'abcdefghijk', :key1 => 'xxxxxxxx', :key2 => 'xxxxxxxx', :add_signature => true
You can also load Pos configuration from yaml file. For example config/payu.yml:
pos_id: 12345
pos_auth_key: XXX
key1: XXX
key2: XXX
type: default
add_signature: true
pos_id: 56789
pos_auth_key: XXX
key1: XXX
key2: XXX
type: sms_premium
add_signature: false
Then add new initializer config/initializers/payu.rb:
Payu.load_pos_from_yaml(Rails.root.join('config', 'payu.yml'))
Now you can access them by name or pos_id:
If you are in different country you can change default gateway url ( Just set gateway_url option in YAML configuration file or pass this option to
pos_id: 12345
pos_auth_key: XXX
key1: XXX
key2: XXX
type: default
add_signature: true
gateway_url: ''
pos = :pos_id => '12345', :pos_auth_key => 'abcdefghijk', :key1 => 'xxxxxxxx', :key2 => 'xxxxxxxx', :add_signature => true, :gateway_url => ''
To create new payment:
@transaction = pos.new_transaction(:first_name => 'John', :last_name => 'Doe', :email => '[email protected]', :client_ip => '', :amount => 10000, :desc => 'Transaction description')
Now you need to build form with this transaction object:
<%= form_tag(@transaction.new_url) do %>
<%= payu_hidden_fields(@transaction) %>
<%= submit_tag 'Pay' %>
<% end %>
You can check status of any payment:
response = pos.get(123456789)
if response.status == 'OK'
if response.completed?
# payment completed
123456789 is a payment session id. It is automatically generated when you create new transaction.
By default when somebody sends a payment it is automatically accepted. You can turn it off and confirm every payment:
response = pos.confirm(123456789)
You can cancel payment:
response = pos.cancel(123456789)
When payment status changes, Payu will send report to your application. You need controller to handle these reports:
class PayuController < ApplicationController
include Payu::Helpers
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
def ok
# successful redirect
def error
# failed redirect
def report
response = Payu['main'].get params[:session_id]
if response.status == 'OK'
order = Order.find(response.trans_order_id)
if response.completed? && order.present?
# mark order as paid
# payment not completed
render :text => 'OK'
And routes:
match '/payu/ok' => 'payu#ok'
match '/payu/error' => 'payu#error'
match '/payu/report' => 'payu#report'
Actions ok and error are pages where user is redirected after payment. You need to enter these url on Payu website.
Copyright (c) 2013 Michał Młoźniak. See LICENSE for details.