Composer package for implementing FezVrasta's bootstrap material design in Yii2
Either run
composer global require "romdim/yii2-bootstrap-material:dev-master"
Or add
"romdim/yii2-bootstrap-material": "dev-master",
to the require section of your composer.json file.
You need npm and bower installed in order to use this package. Or you could just use a solution for not having those in your project:
- (Yii 2 official Composer repository solution for Bower Assets)
- (NPM/Bower Dependency Manager for Composer)
There is now another branch called material-0-2-2 which uses the FezVrasta's bootstrap material design Version 0.2.2 which seems better to me right now. You can use this branch by changing dev-master to dev-material-0-2-2 at the above code.
After installation, just add
public $depends = [
in your AppAsset
If you want to use the minified versions then, you can add:
$config = [
'components' => [
'assetManager' => [
'class' => 'yii\web\AssetManager',
'appendTimestamp' => true,
'bundles' => [
'romdim\bootstrap\material\BootMaterialCssAsset' => [
'css' => [
YII_ENV_DEV ? 'css/ripples.css' : 'css/ripples.min.css',
YII_ENV_DEV ? 'css/material.css' : 'css/material.min.css',
'romdim\bootstrap\material\BootMaterialJsAsset' => [
'js' => [
YII_ENV_DEV ? 'js/ripples.js' : 'js/ripples.min.js',
YII_ENV_DEV ? 'js/material.js' : 'js/material.min.js',
You should add to the body the following code to have all effects working:
$(function() { $.material.init(); });