AstroMedia is a web application that brings together astronomers from all corners of the universe. If you've ever gazed up at the night sky and felt the wonder of the cosmos, this platform is tailor-made for you. It is a platform to connect, share and explore the beauty of the universe together.
The project is deployed at the following link:- (Backend is hosted on GCP)
- User Authentication and Authorization:- Users can create an account and login to the platform to access the below features. Without logi, User can only view the posts.
- CRUD:- Users can Create, Read, Update and Delete posts. Update and Delete functions are limited to posts created by the user.
- Like and Comment:- Users can also like and comment on a particular post (given that they are logged in).
- Searching:- Particular posts can be searched by title or tags. Further all the posts are paginated and users can view particular pages as well.
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Clone the project
git clone
Go to server in the project directory
cd server
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start
Go to client in the project directory
cd client
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the project (view locally)
npm start
- Integration of Google OAuth to the signin/signup page for user authentication and authorisation.