This is the Keras implementation of Faster RCNN architecture: Towards Real Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Network (RPN)
- Only tensorflow backend is supported and this requires tensorflow version 1.x
- Pydot and Graphviz packages need to be installed to visualize model architecture
- Tensorboard support for logging metrics and visualizing model graph
- Easy implementation for other feature extractors like VGG
- Terminal support for quick and easy execution
- train_frcnn is used to train the model
python -p sample.txt
The input data should be a text file of training set with each line in the following format
The model outputs the following:
- Config pickle file – used during testing
- Model weights in hdf5 format
- A CSV file containing all the training metrics
- Full model image for better understanding of the model architecture
- Event file for visualizing model graph in tensorboard
- Input image size is set to 400. This can be changed in
- Pre-trained weights for ResNet can be downloaded from here
- test_frcnn is used to test the model
python -p test_images/ -a images.txt
The input arguments should be a path to the test images folder and a text file with each line in the following format. The text file is needed to calculate mAP.
The test file outputs the following:
- Text files for each image with predicted bounding box coordinates, confidence score and its class (saved to a folder)
- Test images with bounding box predictions (saved to a folder)
- Prints the Mean Average Precision score
- An image of Precison-Recall curve
- The index slicing should grab only the filename and not the file path in test_frcnn file. This is important for calculating mAP.
with open(mean_ap, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line_split = line.strip().split(',')
(filename, x1, y1, x2, y2, classname) = line_split
filename1 = filename[7:]
if img_name == filename1:
w = int(x2)-int(x1)
h = int(y2)-int(y1)
gt.append([str(filename1), int(x1), int(y1), w, h])
- Change the input image size in mean_avg file before testing
gtFormat = BBFormat.XYWH
detFormat = BBFormat.XYWH
gtCoordType = CoordinatesType.Absolute
detCoordType = CoordinatesType.Absolute
imgSize = (800, 800)