A danger-js plugin to list all todos/fixmes/etc added/changed/removed in a PR.
Danger is a tool to automate common code review practices. It can run as part of your CI pipeline and help maintain standards. Check out their github repo at danger/danger-js. You can configure it using a dangerfile
, which is a javscript or typescript file in the root of your project. It'll post it's results as a comment in the PRs of your project.
To use you must already have danger-js
set up in your repo.
yarn add danger-plugin-todos --dev
# OR
npm i --save-dev danger-plugin-todos
// dangerfile.js
import { schedule } from 'danger'
import todos from 'danger-plugin-todos'
// Using schedule because this is an async task
// Optionally provide options
ignore: ['CHANGELOG.md', /test/], // Any files to ignore, can be part of filename or regex pattern to match (default: [])
keywords: ['TODO', 'FIXME', 'TO-DO'], // Keywords to find (default: ['TODO', 'FIXME'])
repoUrl: 'https://github.com/rohit-gohri/danger-plugin-todos', // If using github provide the repo url (default: true - tries to pick from package.json -> repository.url)
// For other git providers (that don't follow github style links for files) provide a custom function to turn filepaths into links for the specific commit
repoUrl: (filepath) => `https://custom-git-example.com/rohit-gohri/danger-plugin-todos/tree/${danger.git.commits[0].sha}/${filepath}`,
repoUrl: false, // for using simple filepaths without links
This is an example for #4
See the GitHub release history.