Available in the Google Store for all android devices with version more than Android 4.0.4
A monitoring app used by HandsOn lab at ODU. The app displays the device owner's status if he is available near the beacon's proximity.
The user can write and store notes on the app besides displaying the project updates.
*Bluetooth should be turned on for the device to detect the user status but even without the bluetooth the app can still work on the other features.
- List of students working in the lab.
- On going projects in the lab and their updates or status.
- List of students working under a project.
- Important notes for the lab.
- List of hours worked in lab for everyday.
This app receives notifications about new updates and status of lab members.
This app is developed on Android studio 2.2.2.
- Build tools version 23.0.2
- Minimum sdk version 15
- Jackson mapper (1.9.13)
- Http components (4.2.1)
- Cardview-v7 (23.4.0)
- Android beacon library (2+)
- App compat-v7 (23.4.0)
- Firebase client (2.5.1+)
- Firebase messaging (9.4.0)
- Androidplot (0.9.8)