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JSF Resource Framework Extensions

Portable extensions that make JSF nicer to use.


Sometime back I had blogged about how you can render a pretty URL for JSF resources which are local to the web-app. I have successfully used this technique across various pet projects of mine, but the repetition was definitely annoying me. So I decided to put together a portable JSF extension that can be easily included in to any project.

Additionally, I also realized that when consuming an open-source CSS library, I find myself rewriting the relative URL references to fit the JSF resource handling format, i.e., something on the below lines,


This task can make upgrades quite tedious, so I figured I should be able to leverage existing constructs to solve this problem instead of defining new ones.

Consider the following project layout,

├── app
│   └── src
│       └── main
│           └── webapp
│               ├── index.xhtml
│               └── resources
│                   └── popper
│                       └── js
│                           ├── popper.js        ∖ Resources local
│                           └── popper.min.js    / to the web-app
├── resource-library
│   └── src
│       └── main/resources/
│           └── META-INF/resources
│               ├── bootstrap
│               │   ├── css
│               │   │   ├── bootstrap.css
│               │   │   ├── bootstrap.min.css
│               │   ├── js
│               │   │   ├── bootstrap.js
│               │   │   ├── bootstrap.min.js
│               │   └── v_4.0.0
│               └── open-iconic
│                   ├── css
│                   │   ├── open-iconic-bootstrap.css      ∖__
│                   │   ├── open-iconic-bootstrap.min.css  /  |
│                   ├── fonts                                 |
│                   │   ├── open-iconic.eot   ∖               |
│                   │   ├── open-iconic.otf    |      Uses relative
│                   │   ├── open-iconic.svg    |<---- URL references
│                   │   ├── open-iconic.ttf    |      to point to these
│                   │   └── open-iconic.woff  /       files
│                   └── v_1.1.0

, and let's say your index.xhtml has the following resource declarations,

<h:outputStylesheet library="bootstrap" name="css/bootstrap.min.css"/>
<h:outputStylesheet library="open-iconic" name="css/open-iconic-bootstrap.min.css"/>
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"/>
<h:outputScript library="popper" name="js/popper.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous"/>
<h:outputScript library="bootstrap" name="js/bootstrap.min.js" crossorigin="anonymous"/>

, the final rendered output might look like the below,

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/javax.faces.resource/css/bootstrap.min.css.xhtml?ln=bootstrap"/>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/javax.faces.resource/css/open-iconic-bootstrap.min.css.xhtml?ln=open-iconic"/>
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javax.faces.resource/js/popper.min.js.xhtml?ln=popper"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javax.faces.resource/js/bootstrap.min.js.xhtml?ln=bootstrap"/>

The problem with the above rendering is that the Open-Iconic file would request for the CSS files that translate to,

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/javax.faces.resource/fonts/open-iconic.eot?"/>

Now, the JSF resource servlet (which would handle the above request) will not know how to handle this request .. and it returns a 404!

Improved Resource Handling

And this is where my library will help you. Here is what it does,

  1. If a resource is local to your web-app, then do not bother rendering it via the JSF servlet.
  2. If a request comes in for a resource that does not have any library name associated (e.g., the 404 case noted above), then look for the referrer URL and determine the library details from it and send a redirect to the correct resource URL.

Once you include this project as a dependency, then you will notice that rendered URLs look like the following,

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/javax.faces.resource/css/bootstrap.min.css.xhtml?ln=bootstrap"/>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/javax.faces.resource/css/open-iconic-bootstrap.min.css.xhtml?ln=open-iconic"/>
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/resources/popper/js/popper.min.js"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javax.faces.resource/js/bootstrap.min.js.xhtml?ln=bootstrap"/>

And the RelativeResourceHandlingFilter will take care of sending the appropriate redirect to the browser.


  • Java 8
  • JavaEE 7 - specifically JSF2

Maven Coordinates

This module is published to OSS Central and can be access at the following coordinates:<version>

Check the following link for locating the latest version.;

The very initial functioning release is version 0.0.0

Build Status

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master Build Status
develop Build Status


Portable extensions that make JSF nicer to use








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