qdevops App to easily automate Qlik Sense operations. Import and Export variables between apps, master dimensions, measures and more.
By the way, you can create your own functions.
qdevops -u desktop -l
This command will ask individually for each parameter need to connect to Qlik Sense. These parameters will be saved on JSON format, under '.\servers' folder.
qdevops -i -a
This command create a master.txt file with connection information that can be used later
qdevops -a master.txt https://myserver.domain.com/ qproxy login MyDomain\MyUser MyPass
qdevops -u master.txt -v export dbc91f77-ec37-4b01-9fe8-9241423aaac8 vars.txt
qdevops -u master.txt -s c:\qlik-scripts\ gsmdvo
qdevops -h <COMMAND>
qdevops -key activate <GET-AT-QDEVOPS.DESQ.COM.BR>
Create your file like the the example and put it at 'mycommands' folder, than use
qdevops -compile
C# Example
using System;
using System.IO;
using QDevOpsBase.Server;
using Qlik.Engine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using QDevOpsBase.Utils;
public class mylist : ICommand
public CommandsParameters Params
return new CommandsParameters()
FullHelp = "TEST = List all Qlik Apps",
Parameters = new List<CommandsParametersFields>()
public string CommandId => "mylist";
public List<string> Content { get; set; }
public string Name => "My list command";
public int ListOrder { get; set; }
public bool NeedsServer => true;
public void Execute(JObject args, CommandsConfig conf)
IEnumerable<IAppIdentifier> apps_info = conf.QlikLocation.GetAppIdentifiers();
if (apps_info == null)
Console.WriteLine("Apps List returned null!");
foreach (var item in apps_info)
Console.WriteLine($"TEST - {item.AppId}");