movie-web is a web app for watching movies easily. Check it out at
This service works by displaying video files from third-party providers inside an intuitive and aesthetic user interface.
Features include:
- 🕑 Saving of your progress so you can come back to a video at any time!
- 🔖 Bookmarks to keep track of videos you would like to watch.
- 🎞️ Easy switching between seasons and episodes for a TV series; binge away!
- ✖️ Supports multiple types of content including movies, TV shows and Anime (coming soon™️)
- No ads
- No BS: just a search bar and a video player
- No responsibility on the hoster, no databases or api's hosted by us, just a static site
A simple guide has been written to assist in hosting your own instance of movie-web.
Check it out here:
To run this project locally for contributing or testing, run the following commands:
git clone
cd movie-web
yarn install
yarn dev
To build production files, simply run yarn build
You'll need to deploy a cloudflare service worker as well. Check the selfhosting guide on how to run the service worker. Afterwards you can make a .env
file and put in the URL. (see example.env
for an example)
Check out this project's issues for inspiration for contribution. Pull requests are always welcome.
All pull requests must be merged into the dev
branch. it will then be deployed with the next version
This project would not be possible without our amazing contributors and the community.