In this repository are the files that a makes up the Rick and Morty Web.
In the "Terraform" folder is like infrastructure as code: the S3 bucket where I uploaded the files, the cloudfront distribution and Route 53.
In the "react-web" folder you will find the frontend design made with React, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. I implement hooks and make requests to the rick and morty API with axios. The libraries used are bootstrap and ant design.
This is an application where you can find the different characters from the "Rick and Morty" series, you can perform different filters and access specific data such as: the episodes in which the character appears or its location.
In turn, for each location you can find out its residents and for each episode you can find out which characters appear in it.
The page is located at: Rick and Morty Web.
If you liked the page, the development or any implementation, I invite you to visit my LinkedIn: Rodrigo Aguirre.