A modified version of llama-retrieval-plugin based on Facebook's LLaMA which uses Weaviate and HuggingFace's Sentence Transformers to perform vectorized semantic search.
export BEARER_TOKEN=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
export WEAVIATE_PORT=8080
export WEAVIATE_INDEX=CustomDocument
- The vector database schema is fully customizable and can be adapted to your needs
- Different embedding models yield different performances on semantic search (I chose the best performing model for semantic search according to HuggingFace but your mileage may vary)
- The cloud deployment of Weaviate may work better than the local deploy (ran into some errors that were harder to debug than making the switch to the cloud version)
- OpenAI
- Weaviate
- Original contributors from llama-retrieval-plugin and chatgpt-retrieval-plugin