Hello! So you want to learn Robot Framework? This guide is everything you need for getting started! You don’t need any previous experience in test automation to use this guide. You will learn how to install Robot Framework on your computer and get started building cool automation.
- First, check if your computer already has Python programming language. Open Terminal/Command Prompt and type in:
python --version
- If Python is not installed, download and install latest version from Python Downloads. If installing to Windows, check "Add Python to PATH" in the Python installer.
- Restart the Terminal/Command Prompt program after Python installation.
- Next, install Robot Framework. Type in to Terminal/Command Prompt:
pip install robotframework
If installation was succesful, this command prints robot version:
robot --version
Wow! Robot Framework is now ready to be used!
If command pip does not work, most probable reason is that Python is not found. There are two options to tackle this:
Option 1: Add Python to PATH. Robot Framework's installation instructions include in-depth instructions for modifying PATH.
Option 2: Or if you use Windows, run Python using command py -m
py -m pip install robotframework
and for checking if installation was succesful:
py -m robot --version
Simple robot automation can be written using a any text editor, even Notepad. Check list of suggested editors on Robot Framework's homepage. If you don't have preference, very popular editor is Visual Studio Code, that has really good Robot Framework extension.
Following example shows how to write your first robot automation case:
Create a new file and save it using an extension
, for example,my_first.robot
Write in file
*** Test Cases ***
. This creates section for test cases. -
Type in following (note to add the four spaces before
Log To Console
)My First Robot Test Log To Console Hello Robot World!
First test is now ready and it should look like this:
*** Test Cases *** My First Robot Test Log To Console Hello Robot World!
Open Terminal/Command Prompt. Navigate to the same folder where your
file is located and run the test by inputting commandrobot my_first.robot
. For example:cd your_folder robot my_first.robot
When Robot is run, you will see this:
> robot my_first.robot ============================================================================== My First ============================================================================== My First Robot Test Hello Robot World! My First Robot Test | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My First | PASS | 1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed 1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Output: /output.xml Log: /log.html Report: /report.html
Robot has created test report files in the same folder where you run the test. You can check details of the first test run by opening report.html file.
Examples of this manual introduces Keyword Libraries and Variables related to Robot Framework automation.
Thank you for visiting the Beginners Guide! Hope you enjoyed learning Robot Framework. More about writing test cases: How To Write Good Test Cases.
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