download latest release into your catkin workspace src folder (e.g. ~/catkin_ws/src)
cd into lizi meta package. e.g. :
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/lizi/lizi
During installation setup script will download 3rd party packages. Make sure you have internet connection
execute the installation script:
*Note: setup script will execute apt-get upgrade and update
Basic launch:
roslaunch lizi lizi.launch
You can add arguments to the basic launch command, to enable capabilities. Some commonly used arguments:
- launch robot in gazebo simulation
- launch front rgb camera
- launch front 3d camera
- launch front 2d LIDAR
- publish robot diagnostics (these can be monitored through rqt_robot_monitor)
- launch move_base package
- load map to map_server
- launch gmapping SLAM algorithm. Must be executed with move_base and lidar
- launch Hector SLAM algorithm. Must be executed with move_base and lidar
- launch AMCL algorithm for localization. Must be executed with move_base, lidar and map
e.g. :
roslaunch lizi lizi.launch gazebo:=true gmapping:=true lidar:=true move_base:=true
You can see the full list of available topics using rostopic list
Please disregard topics that starts with /ric/...
as they are used for system debugging and communication b/w lizi hardware drivers and ros.
Here is a list of the most commonly used topics:
- front rgb camera raw image
- front 3d camera raw (2d) image
- front 3d camera point cloud
- gps data (if gps got fix)
- IMU data
- LIDAR 2d scan
- Left ultrasonic range finder
- Right ultrasonic range finder
- Rear ultrasonic range finder
- Battery info
- Send twist commands on this topic to drive the robot
*Please note: some of these topics will only apear when adding the right argument to the launch command. E.g. rgb camera topics will apear when cam
argument is added to the basic launch command.