This repository contains everything to get you started with AWS Batch and the AWS CDK.
The goal is to schedule batch jobs on the spot market running docker containers at massive scale.
Read the blog post at
Here's the rough outline
- You provide a Docker image and push it to AWS ECR for the tasks to run
- You set up and deploy the AWS Batch environment with clusters and queues
- You send messages to the batch queue to start jobs; scale out happens automatically
Note: We use Docker and Docker Compose for self-contained reproducible environments throughout this project.
Each task will run a container from a Docker image stored in AWS ECR.
The Dockerfile bundles up the script a task will run.
To build and publish the Docker image to AWS ECR, run
make publish account=MY-AWS-ACCOUNT-NUMBER region=eu-central-1
We provide an AWS CDK stack for the AWS Batch environment in the cdk directory, for scheduling tasks onto auto-scaling clusters and running the Docker container from the image stored in ECR.
Before deploying make sure to read, understand, and adapt cdk/index.ts to your needs. In there we define the compute environments, cluster limits, and so on. There is a high chance you want to adapt it.
Here is a checklist to set up a new account before we can deploy stacks from this project
- Bootstrap the AWS CDK in the AWS Account
To set up the cdk deployment, run
cd cdk
docker-compose build
docker-compose run dev bash
And in the container, run
npm ci
set up credentials to deploy
Build and deploy
npm run build
npm run cdk ls
npm run cdk synth BatchStarterStack
npm run cdk deploy BatchStarterStack
Note: every time you change cdk/index.ts you will have to re-compile with npm run build
For AWS CDK documentation, see
To submit a job
aws batch submit-job --job-name MyJob \
--job-queue <job-queue-arn> \
--job-definition <job-definition-arn> \
--parameters MyParam=MyValue
To get job queue ARNs
aws batch describe-job-queues --query "jobQueues[].jobQueueArn" --output text
To get job definition ARNs
aws batch describe-job-definitions --query "jobDefinitions[].jobDefinitionArn" --output text
For AWS CLI documentation, see
There is a Spot Instance Limit you might hit.
By default, the AWS Batch environment runs on C, M, and R instance types.
You can request a Spot Instance limit increase in the AWS console, see
Copyright © 2021 robofarm
Distributed under the MIT License (MIT).