This is a sample project for prototyping changes to Grails scaffolding.
To build this project, you must have the grails-enhanced-scaffolding plugin in the same parent folder (it's used as an inline plugin).
on pagination links
- Autocompleted results need to re-position horizontally if window resized
- Text in elements added by JS needs to be i18nized
- Move mandatory indicator to right of form field (when not stacked)
- Use :after to add mandatory indicator?
- Appears to be a double margin on left of button bar inputs in IE6 & 7
- Fonts look terrible in IE8 (oddly they look OK in IE6 & IE7)
- Left padding on buttons is wrong on iPhone (might just be xcode emulator)
- Use
@media screen and (monochrome)
to optimise rendering on Kindle - Numeric inputs don't work for decimal values in webkit browsers
- date / time format for show & list pages
- use size attribute where appropriate
- Radio groups for enums (use select when more than x values?)
- Dates using type="date" with 3-field JS enhanced version? Datepicker?
- History manipulation breaks if you go back to the list page after paginating/sorting GitHub
- Modal create/edit for related domain classes
- Light-box show, edit, create direct from list page
- Functional tests to ensure non-JS and JS versions work consistently
- Autocomplete:
- indicate that it's an autocompleter
- open autocomplete with focus? Mouse double-click?
- suppress remove button on autocomplete for mandatory many-to-one
- autocomplete for enums & inList constraint?
- FOUC prevention by fade-in with CSS transition
- Slicker version of confirmation on delete
- Use jQuery-UI slider if !Modernizr.inputs.range
- Include nav using SiteMesh
- All controllers in nav?
- Primary & secondary nav for controllers / actions?
- Highlight active state
- Test on iOS, Android, Blackberry, Kindle
- Optimise inputs (e.g. not sure the autocomplete really works in iOS)
- Use modernizr plugin
- Declare separate resources for each jQuery plugin
- Get rid of inline script for delete buttons
- Test the use of many-to-many on create as it might not work
- Generate "edit this" links next to links to 1:m domains
- Check that links to related objects are correct if the controller is named something other than the domain class name + 'Controller'