released this
23 May 19:46
0 commits
to 29a637f74f416a94d2394ede9a5e7268418ca53c
since this release
Bug Fixes
- add missing save event (8d6d7a8)
- define emits in examples (288b707)
- export types correctly (c2e1e30)
- handle reactivity issue when cropping has happened (7f0bd10)
- listen to pointer events on whole window and handle isInside manually. closes #3 (3e36520)
- never crop outside boundaries (c860cef)
- public assets are served from / (684879b)
- register svg-prefixed elements as custom elements (211f1f1)
- remove dead code (24ee1af)
- reset history onMounted (8e56225)
- use correct build script (333e6a3)
- use new :deep syntax (15270c7)
- add arrow shape (a0cb38d)
- add clear button (e6052e1)
- add composable useDraw to better handle pointer events. also resolves #1 (02a4a5c)
- add draw events to PaintEditor (fc0526d)
- add export functions (4dc04a3)
- add freehand tool (29153f6)
- add function canvasToBlob (ad96efc)
- add hooks onDrawStart, onDraw and onDrawEnd (508a09f)
- add layer to svgOnce (5d50e39)
- add line tool (42eb357)
- add rectangle tool (ebb76a7)
- add redo button (0bbc631)
- add save button (1c11369)
- add styling to toolbar (3501153)
- add support for background image (685b568)
- add toCanvas and toImgSrc (3e4f623)
- add undo button and add SvgShape component (ebcdee1)
- add util function downloadSvg (32030e5)
- basic crop functionality (47e375b)
- introducing svgOnce (c9a85b2)
- make package public (fded5f7)
- support scaling (cf900ec)
- use simplify-svg-path to smoothen freehand paths (fdd1b88)
- Revert "style: change cursor to a crosshair dot" (72323ea)