The SchibstedAccount iOS SDK provides you access to Schibsted identity services via the SPiD APIs. It provides the following:
- User management (profiles, logins, signups)
- UI based logins
- Authenticated request and oauth management
Note: The APIs provided by the SDK do not cover the full spectrum of APIs provided by SPiD. If there is functionality missing, please look at the SPiD API reference and open up an issue for an enhancement request.
- Documentation: Here's the documentation to the latest tagged release (which can be different than the version that's in master).
- Contributing: For details on getting up and running if you are thinking of contributing
The pod is available as a public cocoapod under the name SchibstedAccount
The SDK is divided in to different subspecs:
pod 'SchibstedAccount'
: this is the default and contains APIs to create aUser
pod 'SchibstedAccount/Manager'
: the default installs the entire SDK. If you want to only use headless login (i.e. no UI libraries included), then just use this.
The UI does some internal tracking, and allows a TrackingEventsHandler
to be set in the UI's configuration.
To fulfill this, you can either implement it yourself or use one which is already implemented.
Internal: There is an internal Schibsted Tracking implementation for the identity SDK availabe here and is available from source "[email protected]:CocoaPods/Specs.git
, so in your pod file you may:
pod 'SchibstedIDTracking'
: Adds dependency to the new pulse SDK
Add this to your Cartfile
git "[email protected]:schibsted/account-sdk-ios.git"
Then run:
$ carthage bootstrap --platform ios
$ carthage update --platform ios
Internal: And, if you also want to include support for tracking events in the identity UI with the new pulse SDK, add this
git "[email protected]:spt-identity/identity-sdk-ios-tracking"
Carthage will build the frameworks you need to link in your project, so make sure you follow these steps to include all of them in your project and you should be up and running. If there is something missing -> email us.
The SDK works by giving you access to Schibsted users. And what kind of access is allowed is determined by a set of client credentials. The first thing you must do is get some credentials, which can be done through self service. Learn about environments and merchants.
NOTE: The SDK will not work across environments or merchants.
The most common use case is to get a hold of a User
object. You can obtain a User object by using a visual or a headless login process. The visual login is the recommended approach, but if the need arises the headless approach is also documented, but not "officially" supported.
See above for getting credentials. But once you have them you have to set up a ClientConfiguration
let clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration(
environment: .preproduction,
clientID: "<you-client-code>",
clientSecret: "<your-client-secret>",
appURLScheme: nil
To check if you already have a user logged in, you may use the IdentityManager:
let user = IdentityManager(clientConfiguration: clientConfiguration).currentUser
user.delegate = //...
switch user.state {
case .loggedIn:
// Yay, carry on with app
case .loggedOut:
// Ok, fire up the IdentityUI
To start the login process you can fire up an IdentityUI
object, configure it and it will create a User
object for you if everything goes right. It is recommended to use the IdentityUI to create a User object because it makes sure that the correct login flows supported by the Schibsted Identity backend are adhered to (ie: required fields are filled in, and terms and conditions are accepted, etc).
import UIKit
import SchibstedAccount
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var identityUI: IdentityUI?
var user: User?
@IBAction func didTapLoginButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
let identifierType: IdentifierType = (sender.tag == 0) ? .phone : .email
self.identityUI = IdentityUI(clientConfiguration: defaultClientConfiguration, identifierType: identifierType)
self.identityUI?.delegate = //...
self.identityUI?.presentIdentityProcess(from: self)
@IBAction func didTapLogoutButton(_: Any) {
print("User logout done!")
extension ViewController: IdentityUIDelegate {
func didFinish(result: IdentityUIResult) {
switch result {
case .canceled:
print("The user canceled the login process")
case let .completed(user):
self.user = user
self.user.delegate = //...
print("User with id \(String(describing: is logged in")
extension ViewController: UserDelegate {
func user(_: User, didChangeStateTo newState: UserState) {
switch newState {
case .loggedIn:
print("The user logged in")
case .loggedOut:
print("The user logged out")
The SDK includes an IdentityUITheme
object that allows you to customize the look and feel of the identity UI. See the docs for, hopefully, more details.
The SDK comes with the following localization support:
- 🇳🇴 Norwegian Bokmål
- 🇸🇪 Swedish
- 🇫🇮 Finnish
Note: It is recommended to use the UI approach.
The IdentityManager
is more bare bones and doesn't ensure any kind of Schibsted identity flows. It can create a user object and also notify you of any changes that happen to the user object. You can assign an IdentityManagerDelegate
to it to handle various events that take place:
import SchibstedAccount
class ViewController: UIViewController, IdentityManagerDelegate {
let identityManagaer = SchibstedAccount.IdentityManager(clientConfiguration: clientConfiguration)
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.identityManager.delegate = self
if self.identityManager.currentUser.state == .loggedIn {
// User is already logged in
// User not logged in
func userStateChanged(_ state: UserState) {
// User has just logged in or just logged out
if state == .LoggedIn {
print("User with id \(String(describing: is logged in")
func login() {
self.identityManager.sendCode(to: PhoneNumber(...) ...) { result in
if case .failure(let error) = result {
print("failed to send code", error)
@IBAction func validateCode(_ sender: UIButton) {
let code = self.codeTextField.text
identityManager.validate(oneTimeCode: code, for: PhoneNumber(...) ...) {