feat: adding calendar for Bins in Custom Component #1366
on: pull_request
HassFest Validation
HACS Action Validation
3 errors and 2 warnings
HassFest Validation
[MANIFEST] Invalid manifest: extra keys not allowed @ data['platforms']. Got ['sensor', 'calendar']
HassFest Validation
Process completed with exit code 1.
HACS Action Validation
<Integration robbrad/UKBinCollectionData> Repository structure for 0.112.1 is not compliant
HassFest Validation
[CONFIG_SCHEMA] Integrations which implement 'async_setup' or 'setup' must define either 'CONFIG_SCHEMA', 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA' or 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE'. If the integration has no configuration parameters, can only be set up from platforms or can only be set up from config entries, one of the helpers cv.empty_config_schema, cv.platform_only_config_schema or cv.config_entry_only_config_schema can be used.
HACS Action Validation
<Integration robbrad/UKBinCollectionData> Selected version/branch 0.112.1 has been removed, falling back to default