##Freeboard Installer
Installer to aid in freeboard setup tasks. It loads the arduinos, calibrates the IMU, and converts charts.
###Basic installation process is:
Download and install the current Arduino IDE from http://http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software.
Install in a directory that does NOT have spaces!! (Same for all the freeboard software)
Download the freeboard-installer.jar (above) into a suitable directory
###To install software onto your Arduino:
Download the HEX files for your Arduino Mega (https://github.com/rob42/FreeboardMega/blob/master/Release1280/FreeboardMega.hex for Mega 1280, https://github.com/rob42/FreeboardMega/blob/master/Release2560/FreeboardMega.hex for 2560)
Download the ArduIMU hex file (https://github.com/rob42/FreeIMU-20121106_1323/blob/master/FreeBoardIMU/target/FreeBoardIMU.cpp.hex)
Plug in your Mega or ArduIMU
Start the freeboard-installer: * You may be able to double-click the jar file OR * from the command line: "java -Xmx2048m -jar freeboard-installer.jar"
NOTE: The image processing uses a LOT of memory. By default java will probably assign too little, resulting in OutOfMemeory errors.
The -Xmx2048m
in the command line above assigns 2Gb, which works for me. If thats not enogh, try -Xmx4096m
Fairly obviously chart processing is not going to work on a system with 1Gb of RAM....
Follow the notes on each tab
###For charts, You no longer need gdal installed on you PC.!
Start the freeboard-installer:
* You may be able to double-click the jar file
* from the command line: "java -jar freeboard-installer.jar"
Go to the chart tab, select your .kap chart file, and process. The right-hand window will show the progress and a directory will be created with the mapping tiles etc. There is a zip file of this directory also created which will be moved to the RaspberryPi.
You can go to the newly created directory and open the 'openlayers.html' file in a web browser. You should be able to see you newly created chart, but you may have to zoom in to the correct area if its a small chart.
Copy the yourMap zip file to your raspberry pi, and unzip in the same mapcache directory, so the result is:
Restart freeboard to use the new chart.
Your chart should be available in the chart list (top-right button of chartplotter) Select the 'Charts' tab and move you charts to the right-hand box.
IMPORTANT: Select "Home" if your Pi is connected to your home network, and 'Boat' if your pi is running on a stand-alone network, eg in your boat.
Save, and reload/refresh you browser page
If you see the 'Processing' message forever..., then you need to choose 'Home'. ('Boat' is much faster but has DNS issues on home networks.)
Feedback welcome:-)