This is a starter kit for developing web apps.
- Create react app
- Emotion (CSS-in-JS)
- Express framework (api reference)
- Docker;
- Docker-Compose (CLI).
Plese note, that we are checking if the postgres container is ready with simple shell script. (as suggested in official documentation on docker hub). So, for linux and MacOS users check ther permission of
ls -la app/ | grep wait-for it
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 4078 мар 13 23:16 # that the correct permission
# In case your output looks as following
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 4078 мар 13 23:16
# Enter the following command
chmod +x app/
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose -f production-compose.yml up -d --build
docker-compose down -v
- localhost:3000 - create-react-app;
- localhost:3100 - express server;
- localhost:5432 - postgres;
- localhost:4040 - adminer.
- localhost - application (pm2-runtime);
- localhost:5432 - postgres;
- localhost/adminer - adminer.
(adminer parameters)
- System - PostgreSQL;
- Server - db;
- Username - root;
- Password - toor;
- Database - db.