Run STCv traffic generator instances with public and test networks.
Instances can be controlled by the Spirent TestCenter application.
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 0.13.0 |
aws | >= 2.65 |
Name | Version |
aws | >= 2.65 |
random | n/a |
template | n/a |
No Modules.
Name |
aws_ami |
aws_eip_association |
aws_instance |
aws_network_interface |
aws_security_group |
random_id |
template_file |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
ami | The Spirent TestCenter Virtual AMI. When not specified, the latest marketplace image will be used. | string |
"" |
no |
ingress_cidr_blocks | List of management interface ingress IPv4/IPv6 CIDR ranges. Set to empty list when using mgmt_plane_security_group_ids. | list(string) |
n/a | yes |
instance_count | Number of instances to create | number |
2 |
no |
instance_name_prefix | Name assigned to the instance. An instance number will be appended to the name. | string |
"stcv-" |
no |
instance_type | AWS instance type | string |
"m5.large" |
no |
key_name | AWS SSH key name to assign to each instance | string |
n/a | yes |
mgmt_plane_eips | List of management plane elastic IP IDs. Leave empty if subnet auto assigns IPs. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
mgmt_plane_security_group_ids | List of management plane security group IDs. Leave empty to create a default security group using ingress_cidr_blocks. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
mgmt_plane_subnet_id | Management public AWS subnet ID | string |
n/a | yes |
root_block_device | Customize details about the root block device of the instance. See Block Devices below for details. | list(map(string)) |
[] |
no |
test_plane_security_group_ids | List of test plane security group IDs. Leave empty to create a default security group. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
test_plane_subnet_ids | Test plane AWS subnet ID list. Each instance will have a network interface on each subnet. | list(string) |
n/a | yes |
user_data_file | File path name containing AWS user data for the instance. Spirent TestCenter Virtual cloud-init configuration parameters are supported. | string |
n/a | yes |
vpc_id | AWS VPC ID | string |
n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
instance_ids | List of instance IDs |
instance_private_ips | List of private IP addresses assigned to the instances, if applicable |
instance_public_ips | List of public IP addresses assigned to the instances, if applicable |
stcv_ami | Latest Sprient TestCenter Virtual public AMI |
driver: dpdk
speed: 10G
Name | Description | Type | Default |
speed | Maximum network interface speed | 1G, 5G, 10G, 25G, 50G, 100G | 1G |
driver | Network driver interface | sockets, dpdk | dpdk (for supported cloud provider instances) |
rxq | RX queue size for dpdk driver | 1-N | 1 |
benchmark | Turn benchmark rate mode on or off for dpdk driver | off, on | off |
ntp | NTP server | IP address | x.x.x.x (cloud provider recommended) |
ipv4mode | IPv4 address mode | none, static, dhcp | dhcp |
ipaddress | IPv4 address (static mode) | IPv4 address | - |
netmask | IPv4 netmask (static mode) | IPv4 netmask | - |
gwaddress | IPv4 gateway address (static mode) | IPv4 gateway address | - |
ipv6mode | IPv6 address mode | none, static, dhcp | none |
ipv6address | IPv6 address (static mode) | IPv6 address | - |
ipv6prefixlen | IPv6 prefix length (static mode) | IPv6 prefix length | - |
ipv6gwaddress | IPv6 gateway address (static mode) | IPv6 gateway address | - |
gvtap | Turn Gigamon gvtap agent on or off | off, on | off |
The root_block_device mapping supports the following:
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
delete_on_termination | Whether the volume should be destroyed on instance termination. | string |
true |
no |
encrypted | Whether to enable volume encryption. Must be configured to perform drift detection. | bool |
false |
no |
iops | Amount of provisioned IOPS. Only valid for volume_type of io1 , io2 or gp3 . |
number |
n/a | no |
kms_key_id | Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS Key to use when encrypting the volume. Must be configured to perform drift detection. | string |
n/a | no |
tags | A map of tags to assign to the device. | map(string) |
{} |
no |
throughput | Throughput to provision for a volume in mebibytes per second (MiB/s). This is only valid for volume_type of gp3 . |
number |
n/a | no |
volume_size | Size of the volume in gibibytes (GiB). | number |
n/a | no |
volume_type | Type of volume. Valid values include standard , gp2 , gp3 , io1 , io2 , sc1 , or st1 . |
string |
gp2 |
no |