Abbrase is an abbreviated passphrase generator. An abbrase is one of the passwords it produces. It generates a password and a phrase like "phyeigdolrejutt" and "physical eight dollars rejected utterly".
Try the web version.
Creating secure passwords is easy. Remembering them is hard. Pwgen makes them memorable though prounouncability. XKCD suggests using a series of random common words, but memorizing series of unrelated words can be difficult, and typing long phrases can be tedious.
Abbrase is an experiment in generating probable phrases using markov chains, and abbreviating each word to the first few letters. This strikes a balance between excessive password length and excessive mnemonic length. Passwords generated by Abbrase are as secure as a number with the same length. "122079103" and "toldulbal" (tolerably dull ball) are equally hard to attack.
The wordlist and bigram graph are generated with data from Google NGrams dataset, used under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Language is the most information-dense thing people memorize. Brains don't operate on bits.
Pi recitation record-holders don't have thousands of digits in their minds. They map clusters of digits to far more mentally palatable words, memorizing a long story instead of a sequence of digits.
Memorizing a grammatically-sensible sentence fragment is easier than a sequence of randomly chosen words.
Picking a favorite phrase from the ones generated by Abbrase could make them very slightly easier to attack. A sophisticated attacker could check passwords that are likely to be picked before others. If the attacker can perfectly model which passwords you would prefer, this reduces the security of your password in a proportional amount to the number of passwords you selected it from -- if you picked from 32 passwords generated by abbrase, it makes your password 32x easier to attack (5 bits of security lost).
git clone
cd abbrase
The abbrase executable can optionally be supplied with length
(a number), count
(a number), and hook
(a word).
Q: Isn't using a phrase more secure than abbreviating it?
A: Not at all for phrases Abbrase generates. Displayed phrases are generated deterministically from the password, so they have no added security. Otherwise yes, 4 words have more security than 4 abbreviated words, but they're less convenient to type, and the added characters aren't as valuable as the first few characters.
(don't actually use any of these passwords!)
Generating 32 passwords with 50 bits of entropy
Password Phrase
--------------- --------------------
fibpsygotetemol fibres psychology got eternal molecules
crohismacwrosiz cross his machine wrong size
haswrigooalsarm has written good also army
livfoctelduerow living focus telescope due row
achtexmeaimiela achieved text means imitation elaborate
poiatmengdocpea point atmospheric engine doctor pearson
phosinwayladpha photographs since way laden phagocytes
henraptopsawgif henry rapidly top saw gifford
sednaravameaago sed narrative available means agony
roomecgammedgoo room mechanical game medical good
iniglouncmomkey initial gloomy uncomfortable moment key
taswirhalpetgue task wire hall peter guessed
nutdauliemesaba nutrition daughter lie messenians abandoned
vanashairnumedi van ashamed air number edited
groiniyarcampec group initial yards came peculiarly
putmetvilburbor put methodist village burnt borax
iniporadaneradh initial portion adapted nerves adhere
liqpriproreapeo liquid principle process reason people
nodnotmanpetedi nodded not man peters edition
negfaslawelsbec negative fashion law else because
nosyesroosoiask nose yes room soissons asked
somextdiestumea some extent die study means
vietumunrenapop view tumultuous unrest enable popular
phyeigdolrejutt physical eight dollars rejected utterly
somtoptexguibri some top text guides bring
beyhabtoldulbal beyond habit tolerably dull ball
timsirskyeldske time sir sky elder sketch
bigownupoavolak big own upon avon lake
phinowdirunalac philosophy now direction unavoidable lack
darexppotegggat dark experience potential eggs gathered
floalibadwhyour flow alike bad why our
darmanfirpopnoi dark man first popular noise