An ASGI middleware to unflatten JSON request keys into nested structures.
This behaviour might be familiar if you've used PHP before.
The inspiration for this middleware came from a web app with forms that add variable numbers of fields dynamically. This web app uses htmx to submit forms as AJAX requests, and the hx-json-enc extension to send form data as JSON.
For example, with a form like so:
<h1>Your shopping list</h1>
<form method="post" action="/invite" hx-boost="true" hx-ext="json-enc">
<label>List name <input type="text" name="title"></label>
<input type="text" name="items[][item]"> x <input type="number" name="items[][qty]" default="1">
<input type="text" name="items[][item]"> x <input type="number" name="items[][qty]" default="1">
<input type="text" name="items[][item]"> x <input type="number" name="items[][qty]" default="1">
<button onclick="addItemFields()">Add item</button>
<button type="submit">Save</button>
The request body received by the server could look like this:
"title": "Sofrito time",
"items[][item]": ["carrots", "celery", "onions"],
"items[][qty]": [1, 1, 2],
Using this middleware, the request body is unflattened into:
"title": "Sofrito time",
"items": [
{"item": "carrots", "qty": 1},
{"item": "celery", "qty": 1},
{"item": "onions", "qty": 2},
This makes inputs easier to handle in a FastAPI application using Pydantic:
class ShoppingListItem(BaseModel):
item: str
qty: int
class ShoppingList(BaseModel):
title: str
items: list[ShoppingListItem]"/list")
async def invite_users(shopping_list: ShoppingList):
A canonical set of supported input names can be found by reading the unit tests
for the unflatten()
function, as well as the doc-string - docs coming soon!
Usage in starlette and fastapi can be seen in the respective test files, pending documentation.
- This middleware is in very early development - things will change. It's being used in a small FastAPI + HTMX microsite.
- See the roadmap for planned development
- I am experimenting with Rye to package this project - if you'd like to contribute, the docs are over at
This project is released under the terms of the MIT license.