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Repository files navigation

⭐ gx-extended.nvim

A Neovim plugin that extends the functionality of the gx mapping. In Neovim, the gx mapping in normal mode allows you to navigate to the url under the cursor. This plugin extends that behaviour to more than just urls.

🎉 Built-in Features

🚀 Showcase

Opening the registry docs for aws terraform resources

📦 Installation

use {
  config = function()
    require('gx-extended').setup {}

⚙️ Configuring

You can pass custom extensions to the extensions table. Each extension should have at least two properties:

  1. patterns: a list of file glob patterns to run the autocommands for. Example: patterns = { '*/plugins/**.lua' } matches any Lua file inside plugins/ or its sub-directories. See :help wildcards for how file glob wildcards are expanded
    • Important: The plugin matches the glob on the file path of the current file now; meaning for example that setting plugins.lua won't match correctly but *plugins.lua will.
  2. match_to_url: a function to run the match and return the composed url to be used by the gx command
  3. name: the name to be shown in a picker in case of handler/extension conflicts

The following is an example of hitting gx on a terraform file on a line where an aws resource is defined and opening your browser directly on the terraform registry documentation for the specific resource.

use {
  config = function()
    require("gx-extended").setup {
      extensions = {
      -- Do not create this extension, the terraform resource setup is already built-into the plugin. This is merely an example of a user-defined extension.
          patterns = { "*.tf" },
          match_to_url = function(line_string)
            -- Hint: `:help lua-patterns`
            local resource_name = string.match(line_string, 'resource "aws_([^"]*)"')
            local url = "" .. resource_name

            return url

By default, gx-extended uses netrw to open urls. You can pass a custom open function to config to change this behaviour. For example, if you use lazy.nvim, you can configure gx-extended to use its open function:

return { 'rmagatti/gx-extended.nvim',
  keys = { 'gx' },
  opts = {
    open_fn = require'lazy.util'.open,
