A community driven list of useful Fable tutorials, libraries and software.
Inspired by the awesome list thing. Feel free to improve this list.
Some good apps written in Fable.
- Official list - Examples from basic to big-project in official website.
Learn what this awesome thing is.
- Official Docs — General information and in-depth guide with examples.
Read the essentials. Check the official Fable blog: fable.io/blog.html
- Statically Typed Client-Server Communication with F#: Proof of Concept - Joining Server and Client using Reflection.
Watch great talks about Fable
- Conquer the JavaScript Ecosystem with F# and Fable - A gentle introduction of Fable from creator Alfonso Garcia-Caro
Listen to podcasts about Fable
- NONE :( as of now
Useful helpers to build apps.
- core - Fable Core Libraries.
Tools around Fable platform.
- fable-powerpack - Utilities for Fable apps
Tools to support Fable in code editors.
- ionide - A wonderful Plugin for F# language.
Place to share Fable libraries.
- Coming Soon
Good starting point for a new Fable project.
- Fable-Elmish - A simple Fable like framework to get started with
Everything that you need to see.
- Online REPL - The Fable Online REPL
Where to find help.
Discover other amazingly awesome lists.
Awesome Fable is just a part of awesome thing, get more here:
To the extent possible under law, @kunjee17 has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.