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* OpenEmbedded Overlay: BB Recipes for the Maemo software
* Program: Google Summer of Code 2009
* Author : Kirtika B Ruchandani <[email protected]> 


To make use of this overlay do:
 - add this directory to the BBPATH variable (One of the environment varibales
   that is sourced before using OE)
 - add the BB files in this directory to your BBFILES variable in conf/local.conf. Make
   sure you put them *before* the paths of the real OE.
   BBFILES = "$OE_OVERLAY_DIR/packages/*/*.bb $OE_DIR/recipes/*/*.bb"
   (In most cases just replace OE_OVERLAY_DIR and OE_DIR with the proper directory
    names and everything will just work.)

*There are two folders here: 
 - recipes: Most of these recipes build painlessly. The only exceptions could be 
   glib-2.0,gtk+ and gtkhtml3.14. The issue here is that your build configuration must
   select these versions of the packages rather than the ones your distro uses. 
 - conf: The conf files take care that the required maemo versions of these
   recipes are chosen. I have defined a new distro based on Angstrom, which uses 
   all the Angstrom2008.1 configs only with a few minor changes in a couple of files.
   Note that my conf/distro/include folder only has those files which have been modified.
   The rest of the .inc files mentioned in angstrom-maemo.conf are picked up from your OE
   tree. You can grab those conf/distro/include .inc's from the OE repo if you dont have 
   them already.

For Non-Angstrom Users:

   -The recipes do not need any change. For the conf files,
   the following needs to be done: (You need to understand the PREFERRED_PROVIDER and 
   PREFERRED_VERSIONS variables to do this, please check them up in the POKY handbook)
   - Add to your distro config the preferred versions settings for these 3
        # Gtk+ with maemo changes
        PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gtk+ = "gtk+"
        PREFERRED_VERSION_gtk+ = "2.12.12"
        #Maemo has changes in glib too
        PREFERRED_PROVIDER_glib-2.0 = "glib-2.0"
        PREFERRED_VERSION_glib-2.0 = "2.18.1" 
    -gtkhtml3.8 and gtkhtml3.14 might conflict, I am not sure of this. 
     If so, please use the gtkhtml3.14 from this overlay.

* dsme/db1 recipes are optional.

  - Depending on the distro/image you are using, add the packages from 
    this  overlay to your <image-name>.bb file. The
    in the recipes/images folder is based on in OE, so a diff
    of the two might give a good idea of what you need to add.

* Cribs/Queries/Flames-
  If anything in here doesn't work, feel free to use virtual kicks, at 
  the following places-
  *[email protected] on IM
  *rkirti on IRC (usually on #oe/#maemo)
  *rkirti on github 


Fork of maemo-oe, just better organised for an OE overlay






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