My initial notes are in the local copy of this repo on my desktop. Copy them here! (2/27/20)
(copy my notes from my desktop)
- Computeds. Vue really shines here. Computeds are so common place it's nice I don't have to think about memoizing them. In React, Dave Ceddia recommends making your own via getters and writing your own memoization for them. I wonder if I could tighten this up?
- call setState with a fn param! You can't rely on "previous state" because
of how react works
this.setState((state, props) => ({ counter: state.counter++ }))
- id
- name
- pw
- boards (have many)
- lists (have many)
- id
- title
- cards (have many)
- title
- id
- title
- description
- comments (have many)
- redux
- persist store
- forms w/formik + yup (validation) vs React Final Form