Constante, Fabian; Silva, Fernando; Pereira, António (2019), “DataCo SMART SUPPLY CHAIN FOR BIG DATA ANALYSIS”, Mendeley Data, V5, doi: 10.17632/8gx2fvg2k6.5
We have Performed EDA on the supply chain dataset to find out the missing values and drop the columns.
Used pandas to separate the dataset into seven different csv's.
Build an ER model with the data.
Done some basic visualization using python:
Used Bigquery to run some analytical queries:
1.Highest Sales by the Order Region
2.Top5 products in 2018 by sales
3.Most profitable products over the years
4.Number of orders cancelled by the years
5.Region wise orders for the year 2018
6.Underperforming categories 2018
7.Average number of shipping days
8.Best performing categories in 2018
9.Top 5 purchasing customers in 2018
Leveraged Tableau to make an intuitive dashboard