This project utilizes JavaFX to visualize different types of sorting algorithms using a bar chart. User can enter up to 15 values between 1-50 and chose between different algorithms to see how they differ in sorting.
- Bubble Sort
- Counting Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Radix Sort
- Selection Sort
- Shell Sort
- Enter values in the fields at the top of the window
- Values must be between 1-50 (except for Radix Sort, which must be between 10-50)
- Must enter at least one value, but can enter between 1-15 values
- Select an algorithm from the list on the left
- Select Sort button to see values sorted
- Once bars have completed sorting, select Reset to reset values to original order
- One bars are reset, you can:
- Select another algorithm and re-sort
- Add more values to sort (if there are less than 15 already)
- Change any of the values being sorted