"Simple Markdown Web" framework was written to make writing simple websites in markdown format easy. While there are numerous services that lets you write *.md and convert to html websites, I needed one which would let me deploy a static website to my own host and without the need to run node. Essentially, someone can even deploy this static website written entirely in markdown format, to Amazon S3.
- No need to install node on the server
- Runs on Static file hosting service like Amazon S3
- Simple edit body.md and left.md (to add links) and you have a basic website.
- Users can edit CSS and Javascript directly to further change the look, etc.
- Download the code (or zip) from GitHub
- Edit body.md with your custom information
- See this excellent documentation for markdown cheatsheet.
- If you require a left navigation bar (recommended), edit left.md with navigation links.
- For example, if one of your main header is called "My Profile", the link you will put in left.md will be "#myprofile"
- Links will be lowercase, and without spaces. (e.g. #myprofile)
- Replace profile_pic.jpg with your picture (if desired)
- Feel free to edit CSS or Javascript as required.
- Change the title to something more meaningful.
You will probably have problems running this locally without using a webserver of some sort because browsers restrict XHR on local file system (cross-domain). To fix this, you can install node and use npm to install http-server.
npm install http-server -g
cd path-to-code